
AVERNI (2009)

This album consists of four tracks prepared for the practice of Witchcraft in general, despite the title 'Averni' (in Latin, 'hell') its main theme is the use of the Word and Silence in magical practice. Thus, Averni represents the chaos of the sounds around us.

1. Offering
2. Evocare
3. Zazas Zazas
4. Rei da Encruzilhada 


"Inebriare, is the Latin word for Inebriation: to be ecstatic, not only physically, but spiritually. Through four Evocations to the Witch Gods, and the power of the Devil's Trumpet (datura suaveolens), we will seek to provide you with ' vision 'of these deities, taking you to the Crossroads of Midnight, where the perfect balance is revealed."

In this album each track is dedicated to the Masters of Witchcraft, such as Venus-Lilith (in this case representing the great mystery and the Great Queen of Witches), Hecate (the Great Initiatrix), the Opponent (as the true face of the God of Witches) and a last track dedicated to the Brethen of the Witch-blood and the Might Dead.

This album will feature the wonderful work of Portuguese artist Helder Coelho Dias, who created this whole concept in the painting 'Inebriation Mythological DNA', made exclusively for the album.

1. Venus - Lilith
2. The Call of Hecate Enodia
3. Oppositor
4. A Procissão das Almas (All Souls Day)


We decided to present some of our ritualistic practices through our third album. This album is more Experimental because we added more electronic and isochronic sounds than in the last two albums, that makes this album perfect for guided trance. Through various ritual elements, such as those from Thelema, Kimbanda, Luciferianism and High Magic, we show a ritual experience based and guided by Blood, Love and Death.

In addition this album have two bonus tracks: “Venus - Lilith” that is the same as the one released on the album Inebriare, but with evocative vocals for the Goddess Lilith; and “Rei Caveira” that is a track that was made back in 2009 in honor of the King of the Cemetery, Senhor Exú Caveira, and until now was available only to privately for members.

1. Venus – Lilith (Version II)
2. Lilith Rebelatvs
3. Rei Caveira (Demo)
4. Qayn Falxifer
5. Aquae Daemon
6. Babalon (Anti Cosmic Remix)


Incarnari is for us a huge step towards our dreams realm. Incarnari, the Latin word for 'incarnate', is a starting point for a new experience, more richer and alive than ever.

This is an album inspired by the caravans of souls that travel through the landscapes of the Dreaming in continuous ecstasy. From the Palace of Death we seek to meet with Death Queen and Kit themselves and receive the first steps towards Transformation. So, may Transformation touch your being and inevitably change you.

1. Intro (The Hedge Cross)
2. Ia Ia Apethiui Ononshu
3. Incarnari (Flesh & Bones)
4. Mater Tortura et Homicidium


This album is not an album, it is just random demos, being two demos tracks and two tracks that had already been released.

'Sodom' was one of the first attempts to manifest the sound of Dathura Suavolens. 'The' Might Dead 'is a demo that was composed to be on the album' Averni 'but was not continued and was replaced by the track Procissão das Almas. The track 'Satvrnalia', in turn, was composed for the website Morte Súbita Inc, and was a real challenge because at the time, the album 'Mortifer' was going through finalization process. And to finish 'Mater Tortura et Homicidium' from the album 'Incarnari' and its Dark Folk sound.

1. Sodom (2008)
2. The 'Might Dead (2009)
3. Saturnália (2010)
4. Mater Tortura (2011)


Through the fusion of diverse musical elements, this project again opens up the range of possibilities. The musical and magical experimentalism employed in this work does not mean the complete dilution or destruction of what is true and traditional. When done well, experimentalism shows us how fluid Art is in all human manifestations.

"The Prophecy" addresses Nhamandu, or Nhanderuvuçu, which in the primitive Brazilian religion is the creative force that is behind all creation, as the first and last, the one who exists and will always exist, he stands as the Lord whose body emanated from the First Night, and its head, according to indigenous stories, emanates all wisdom and knowledge, as does the Lord of Witches (Our Lord of Witche). As light is the universal, all matter has its antimatter and we all have an ignored and poorly understood side, what the psychoanalytic theory calls "id" is the point that the project seeks to address in a limbic way and labyrinthine experience. Draconis, proposes to face our enemy face to face: ourselves. From this point, the descent down the grand staircase of the Kingdom of the Dead (Descending to Elhame) begins, for the final and definitive clash is near. On the way to this descent, the choleric Kali breaks all patterns in her transforming dance, and finally, the Prophecy, which forges in blood and fire, the reborn of our soul as the Perfect Warrior, whose destiny was long ago written in the Stars. The fulfillment of this entire journey is Glory and Honor for some, but for others, the final clash will be at the Battlefield.

1. Nhamandu
2. Our Lord of Witche
3. Draconis (Ritvs Draconigenae)
4. Descending to Elfhame
5. Kali - Dark Mother
6. The Prophecy


In the 16th century Portugal established the Inquisition, at the same time they discovered Brazil and this became a kingdom of exile, insecurity and sin, a true earthly purgatory. As Portugal didn't have the habit of killing heretics, most were exiled to Africa or to Brazil. In this list are witches, prostitutes, heretics, healers, slaves, Jews and many others. In Brazil, the Portuguese practiced sins without punishment from the Church. Here there was no Christian faith or even the ten commandments. "It was meat with all its desires that commanded Brazil". In this album you will travel through this ancient world, full of symbols and enchantments, where only the strongest survive.

1. Terra Vermelha (Terra Brasilis)
2. Intro (Rectora Passione)
3. Padilha (Woman of Seven Husbands)
4. Dead Lover's Moon (demo)
5. Possession (When God Descend)
6. Egun (Respect the Old Ones)


This album is a compilation of tracks made in the begining of new magickal focus we took at the time. Ars Malefica takes us to journey through the sands of time back to when we lived amognst gods. Its is cruel, seductive and hypnotic by nature, a glipse in shades that were first created in the begining of our world. It is a full ritual, from begining to end, that empower visions with its mars-venus nature.

1. Abjuratio
2. Ars Malefica
3. Ave Satana
4. Lilyia
5. Lulyia
6. Rainha do Inferno
7. Purgatio

8/Leminiscata (2018)

Celebrating 8 years giving birth to nightmares and audible dreams, we release the collection "8". 

Originally this album was conceived to be a collection of eight successful songs, but the album ended with 16 tracks of success throughout my musical journey. I personally see these tracks as distinct manifestations of the same principle conjured when I began this work.

The album can be called both 8 and Infinity, for in this symbol lie all dual things, eternally recreating and extending beyond all limitation in the hearts of those who are able to hear the most Dark within.

1. Abjuratio
2. Evocare
3. Oppositor
4. Offering
5. Qayin Falxifer
6. A Procissão das Almas
7. Ritvs Draconigenae
8. Our Lord of Witche
9. Babalon (Anti Cosmic)
10. Incarnari (Flesh&Bones)
11. Lilith-Rebelatus
12. Mater Tortura et Homicidium
13. Possesion (When Gods Decends)
14. Venus-Lilith
15. The Call of Hecate Enodia
16. Padilla (The Woman of Seven Husbands)


Emanations of Smoke and Fire

Emblemata is a path of symbols, images and sounds, which when correctly put together reveal a secret. This path is inspired by the dark journey of witches towards the hidden knowledge that is born of fire, smoke and shadows. First, it is necessary to get rid of everything that you are, offering your totality to the Mother of the Dead. In the hellfire of her realms, our souls are forged by the voice of the first Sorcerer. Once purified, we prostrate ourselves before the temple of Death, ready to go to the portals of Al Ghul, which separates matter and spirit. He then reveals to us where the secret Garden of the Corpse Queen is hidden, a place where the moonlight becomes an abyss, in which, spiraling, we go to the Sabbat as if flying in festive fury on the wings of Lamia. There, on the secret island of sorcery, the great mystery of Hu begins, diluting our form and eroding our vision, showing worlds where pleasure and pain abound. Together we call out to all those whose spirits soar in the night, all the scum and all the saints who make up the ever-living school of sorcery. Together we can then glimpse the perfect image of creation, the great beast of destruction and its illuminated halo, its beauty and its purest truth, then together, as brothers, we declare: behold the Dragon!

1. A La Madre de los Muertos

2. The Gate of Al Ghul

3. O Cavis Regina

4. Lilith's Garden

5. Lamia's Sabbat

6. The Great Mistery of Hu

7. Maleficent

8. Omari Tessala Marax

9. Conjuring Yemeloi Lucifera

10. Hic Est Draco


Mysteria Hecatae

Mysteriae Hecatae stands as a profound elegy dedicated to the revered goddess of witches, Hecate, who has been venerated for centuries as the most Holy Soul, the guardian of occult paths and subterranean landscapes. This musical odyssey serves both as a reverent offering to the formidable deity and as an artistic expression of the enigmatic and hidden realms within the tapestry of witchcraft.

The opus of Mysteriae Hecatae beckons the listener to immerse themselves in a magical and mysterious realm where the harmonies of traditional instruments seamlessly intertwine with electronic and experimental elements. The resultant sonic landscape creates an ethereal and hypnotic atmosphere, encapsulating the very essence of the mystical. Each track within the album acts as a portal, inviting the audience to traverse through a sonic journey that mirrors the clandestine corners of the witching world.

To be released 2024