Since the unveiling of his inaugural EP, Averni, in 2010, David Hex, also known as Michael Cavalcante or Michael Nefer, has consistently eluded conventional musical categorization. His artistic prowess is a tapestry woven with diverse threads from various musical genres, witchcraft rituals, and esoteric influences, all of which converge to reflect his deeply personal spirituality.

Hailing from the culturally rich landscapes of Brazil, the musical creations under the moniker DATHURA SUAVOLENS transcend conventional boundaries, emerging as lucid dreams brought to life through a myriad of influences. Drawing inspiration from Brazil's contemporary occult scene and delving into the depths of ancient Arab Magick, David's sonic alchemy bears the name of Devil's Trumpet, a plant historically employed by witches in Sabbat gatherings.

At the heart of David's creative philosophy is the sincere desire to transmute his experiences in the Arte Magica into a tangible musical form. Termed "Emblematas" by the artist, these compositions serve as audible witchcraft, transcending mere imagery to resonate across diverse realms of manifestation. A practitioner of the mystical arts, he endeavors to honor witchcraft by introducing new visions, symbols, and insights garnered from the realms he has traversed through his artistic endeavors. Indeed, his paramount goal in composing for DATHURA SUAVOLENS is to contribute to the ever-evolving tapestry of magical knowledge and artistic expression within the realm of witchcraft.