Search and Download Texts

Searchable and Downloadable PUDS Policy Texts

In order to search local government platform data sharing policy texts, we encourage you to utilize the search function in our shared google drive folder of searchable policy PDFs or download the policies and search texts locally.

Check out our PUDS Policy Compendium Experimental Google Doc (below)

In order to better recreate formatting that can sometimes get lost when optical character recognition tools are used to generate searchable PDFs, as is the case with our google drive folder, above, our team has also created the below "PUDS Policy Compendium", a simple google doc with copy-and-pasted and reformatted PUDS policy texts from a variety of jurisdictions as well as a table of contents to help navigate. We encourage you to open the document in a separate window and "Edit > Find" or "Copy/Paste" to your heart's content.

While still useful, because this policy compendium was created manually as an experiment, it is messy and incomplete. Feel free to reach out to request full edit access to the document if you'd like to help clean it up or complete/maintain it.

Data Sharing Policy Compendium / Texts