Seasonal Event

Welcome to the Datagrims Halloween Event!

The month you have all been waiting for has finally come! The time has arrived to dive into the battle royal between the beautiful Helena and the intimidating Cerberus. In this event participants will team up with their favorite Datagrims to help in the fight along side blinding sparkles or too many eyes. Choose your team wisely, for once you side with your fighter there is no going back.

An Art Fight for the ages, the deciding of who wins and who loses is in the hands of drawn and written artists alike. Attack the other team with your creativity! Write and draw your way to victory!


First things first, let's lay down some ground rules.

The Datagrim community does have younger members so NSFW of any kind is not allowed for this event. Just like Tumblr, nip-nopes and trouser snakes aren't allowed in event pieces. You are free to do that on your own time, but please let's keep this event PG-13 for the most part.

PG-13 includes - The fuck word and words like it, violence cause kids like that shit these days, and maybe some cleavage because we all know Jessica Rabbit is PG.

On that note, let's also be courteous to others by tagging your art should it be too violent, gory or otherwise. Some people don't wanna see that and it should be respected. Though, you are free to go ham on not tagging your art if it has nothing to do with the above mentioned things.

The event will run from October 5th to November 5th! Be sure to get all your art and writing submitted by midnight AKST for it to be counted!

Getting Started

Let's get this ball rolling shall we? Below we have this amazing comic that our overlord-- owner Agent Cheshire painstakingly drew for us! Please read through all five pages. Admire the artistic beauty for a while, maybe show this to your friends and family, and then choose your team! Just remember, once you choose your team there is no going back.

Once you have used all of your brain power to choose between who you like best, you gotta sign up! Click the button below the comic to fill out the sign up form. The button below that is all the information you need to know if you want to partake in the write fight. Take a read of that as well, the lovely writer Mod Nintendo/KilljoyLights will be starting the writers off on their journey. If you don't understand how the write fight works please ask her! Now you are ready for the glorious battle!

The Next Steps

You made it this far! Good for you. Now here are the next and final steps on Tutorial Island. You read the comic, you signed up, now go off into the wild yonder and draw! Go fly away into the horizon and write! When you are ready, come back and submit your pieces here with these buttons. And while you're here look at these adorable chibis drawn by ElectricEidolon. Appreciate them, cherish them, put them in your pocket (actually maybe don't do that last one).

Prizes and Scoring

Last but not least is prizes! Cause we all need a little incentive to do this no? Well here is how the scoring and prizes of the teams are gonna work.


Writing - 2 Glitch Points for every 100 words. The more you write the more you get simple as that. We will be checking to make sure the writing is still coherent. No doing "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" your way to hundreds of points.

Drawing: Now this where things get complicated. When you submit, please make sure you know how many points your art piece is. So if the mod who is bad at math takes down your points you can correct her. (Looking at you Killjoy.)

Please note that you must submit through the form if you want your entries to be counted towards team scores. You'll still get your GP for your art and writing if you forget but your team will miss out. Aside from that you're free to post your works wherever you want! Linking back to this page would be appreciated but not required when posting for the event.


Sketch: 1GP

Lines: 2GP

Flat Color: 3GP

Simple Shading: 4GP

Complex Shading: 5GP

Painted: 6GP


Sketch: 2GP

Lines: 3GP

Flat Color: 5GP

Simple Shading: 7GP

Complex Shading: 8GP


Basic Animation: 15GP

[blinking, bouncing, slight hair movement]

Moderate Animation:30GP

[walk/run/movement cycles, head turns, etc.]

Advanced Animation: 60GP

[full movement, scene]

Half body:

Sketch: 3GP

Lines: 4GP

Flat Color: 5GP

Simple Shading: 7GP

Complex Shading: 8GP

Painted: 10GP


Simple: +1GP (Shapes, gradients)

Moderate: +3GP (simple scene, simple or no shading)

Complex: +5GP (full scene with shading)


Will need to be evaluated but roughly 5GP per colored panel, 3GP per panel for black+white

Full body:

Sketch: 4GP

Lines: 6GP

Flat Color: 8GP

Simple Shading: 10GP

Complex Shading: 12GP

Painted: 14GP


Icons: 3GP

Animated Icons: 4GP

Pagedolls: 10GP

Animated Pagedolls: 15GP

Pixel Scene: 15GP

Animated Pixel Scene: 20GP


Gods this is turning into a lot of reading now isn't it? Well lucky for you it's almost over! Time to finally talk about prizes! Because that's what you're all here for and you know it. This event will have an MVP and a runner up MVP for the people who score the most points for their teams. Now without further ado, here are the prizes!

50GP for everyone in the winning team and their choice of an uncommon trait upgrade or a voucher for $5 off an official adopt.

20GP for everyone in the losing team as thanks for participating.

MVPs get 100GP, a Rare MYO slot, a t_eenie from ElectricEidolon, and a drawing of one of their Datagrims with their Team Leader from Agent Cheshire

Runner up gets 50GP, an Uncommon MYO slot and a t_eenie from ElectricEidolon.

This announcement was brought to you by Mod KilljoyLights. Yes, I roasted myself.Team Icons and Helena and Cerberus chibis (t_eenies) were made by ElectricEidolon