

Priya Padham

Priya is a Tableau and Alteryx Consultant at The Information Lab and has been an active community member since early 2020. Later that year, she became a Tableau Featured Author and Tableau Public Ambassador, as well as receiving a community award at the Tableau Conference.

She loves experimenting with design and visualising data about her interests, such as her favourite music and movies. The #DataFam community is so inspiring and full of incredible people, and she loves connecting with members all over the world who share a passion for data.


Will Sutton

Will is a Consultant at The Information Lab and recently became this year's Iron Viz champion at Tableau Conference in Las Vegas. He's been using Tableau since 2014 and after seeing the amazing work from the Tableau Community he was inspired to develop his data skills further, regularly participating in community projects like #PreppinData, #RWFD, #IronQuest. Now he co-hosts the community initiative #GamesNightViz, which is a monthly data viz, prep and design challenge featuring data from all types of games.


Ludovic Tavernier

I’m Ludovic Tavernier, a Senior Data Analyst and Data Visualisation Specialist at Ledger, a web3 company developing products and services to enable individuals and companies to secure and manage crypto assets.

I've been working on data-related topics for various industries for a decade. I was one of three participants in the Tableau IronViz competition at the 2018 Tableau Conference in New Orleans and produced the Weather Memories Dashboard in 20 minutes in front of 17,000 attendees.

At Ledger, I design and build Tableau interfaces and experiences that my end-users can trust to correctly and quickly meet their analytical needs and enhance their decision making. I support my team in their Tableau learning journey and promote data literacy and data culture in our organization.