

Irene Diomi

Irene Diomi is a 2x Tableau Public Ambassador, she works at The Information Lab in London. Irene has a passion for storytelling through data visualisation and she loves mentoring, sharing and learning with the tableau community. She was featured in the tableau gallery 2022, she has 4xVOTD (Viz of the Day), and spoke at the last tableau conference. Irene is a Tableau and Alteryx Consultant, she uses her tableau experience to teach data visualisation, and help company find the insights they need to achieve their goals. You can find her work on Tableau Public (by looking for Irene Diomi on tableau public)


Saverio Rocchetti

Saverio is Tableau Public Ambassador and a Tableau Public Featured Author 2021. He works s Data Analyst and visualization consultant at The Information Lab. Saverio enjoys using Tableau to create engaging visualizations, which highlights issues around diversity, equity, and awareness. He is also a co-lead for tableau community initiative, #DiversityinData, an active community member. Outside of Tableau he enjoys the outdoors and travel.