Ordering an N2 cylinder

There are 3 cylinders next to the chirascan machine. Depending on the purging time + length of experiments, you might use a full cylinder or more. It is the user's responsibility to order a new cylinder as required. Please order it after you have finished your experiments for replacement. The procedure to book a cylinder is:

    1. Login to UCL myHR.

iProcurement -> non-catalogue request -> Medical & Laboratory costs. BOC Managed Services

    1. Fill the details as follows:

Item Type: Goods billed by quantity

Product Description: Nitrogen (oxygen free) size W Catalogue Number: 44-W

Category (description): BOC managed services

Unit Price: £4.77

Supplier Name: BOC LTD

Delivery Information: Room 409, Darwin Building

If you cannot access MyHR/MyFinance or need a cylinder ordered urgently, please email Khushboo.