What is a minecraft anarchy server?

Minecraft Anarchy servers are an interesting social experiment. An anarchy server is one that has few rules (if any at all). Here, players are free to scam each other, grief others' builds, and even use Minecraft clients with built-in cheats in some cases.

How do I make the portals?

If you have this question then you are probably new to minecraft mods.

First lets start with the twilight forest portal.

This one portal is quite expensive as it requires a diamond to be opened but it is worth trying. It has some of the most interesting weapons and tools that will help you fight other players and defend yourself!

Next is the aether portal!

The aether portal is built like the nether portal but instead of using obsidian you use glowstone and instead of flint and steel you use a bucket of water to open it.

This one requires you to go to the nether first so you can get the glowstone you need to build the portal.(However this will be kinda imposible as the server ages since people seem to love destroying everything they see so make sure you gather as much glowstone as you can. You never know when its too late.)

How do I start playing?

In my opinion, the best way to start is to walk as far as possible from the spawn zone(or at least where you think its safe) and start your adventure.

The gameplay is like any normal minecraft gameplay so you should be able to survive just fine.

Is it safe to go to the twilight portal?

it is safe to go in the twilight dimension as long as you know the way back into the portal.

However it is not safe to open it because it will strike lightning and that might get some not so friendly players to know the location of your portal.

Example of a messy spawn

Any tips for new players?

Keep all your items inside of an ender chest and make sure never to leak your location.

If the spawn is a total mess then the best solution I have for you is to look for wood and get as much as you can. When you have at least one iron pickaxe, save everything inside of an ender chest and mine your way out of it.

Avoid nether portals as there is a 8/10 chance its gonna be a trap.

How do I set my spawn point?

You cant really set a spawn point. If you die you come back to the start. Not even a bed will save you.

Does the server have a discord server?

Not yet but maybe in the future I will add one where players can hangout and talk with eachother about the server and someother stuff related to this server.

However I did not even made a server for my youtube channel yet so excpect this to come later on.

The server is offline. What should I do?

I will be turning the server on from time to time so if the server is offline just wait till I join the server again.(This issue will be solved in the future, I will add some people that will be making sure to turn on the server.)(IF THERE IS NOBODY IN THE SERVERS THEN IT WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE OFFLINE)

(if the server shuts down and there was players in the game or something unusual happens then send me a message on twitter and I will try to fix it as soon as possible)