About the dimensions

The Overworld

This is where you spawn and start your adventure.

The Aether

This place is good for those players who like to live on the edge.

I'm expecting this place to be completely destroyed as time goes on since its easy to blow up.

Make sure you have something to pretect you from fall damage if you decide to live here.

The End

Not sure why you would be here, I'm more than sure that by the time you join, someone probably blew up the main island and defeated the dragon.

Going here is pointless and probably a waste of time.

The Nether

If living here before was bad then prepare for the worst. Thanks to the mods this place got a little "Upgrade" and is now even harder than before.

The Twilight Forest

Its almost like the overworld, just with a few changes and finding dungeons is way more commun here.

Monsters dont spawn here at night because of how much lighting the place has, however they still spawn if it is too dark so expect them to spawn in caves.