Weekly Blog

Week 1: My first week at my internship went pretty good. I mostly got to see how Ms. Marola teach a reading class and social skills. Before the reading group started, I got to see how Ms. Marola picked out a reading book with kids that have different reading levels. Picking out reading books can sometimes be hard because you had to find a book that kids will be best interested in and the understanding of the book. When the kids entered the classroom, they did some warm up with the alphabet words and the sounding out the word. After the warm up was over we got into the read the book that they were assigned to read. First, when she passed out the books she asked the kids what do they see in the cover and ask them to make predictions what will happen in the book. She gave the kids different directions of the book. Some were pointing to the sight words or read each word one by one with their index fingers. When she was reading the book she also asked some questions about what happened in the book. The kids first observed what was on the cover on the book. While they were reading the kids was reading they read every word one by one. After Ms. Marola finished reading the book she asked kids what happened in the book all the kids did wonderful so they each got a star. On Friday it Game day for the reading group for the kids. The first graders in the reading group had to earn the star in order to play a game. The game they played I liked was using you hands to find the object it was hard for the kids but at least they had fun. I also got to see how Ms. Marola teach a kid with autism sensory. You would get a object and ask him questions but instead of answering the question he would just repeat what you said. But if he you gave him an option he would often say the last one you said.

Week 2: The second week at my internship was fun. I am slowly getting used to the daily routine of each day. I got to meet some new kids that I have never seen before and seeing there different strengths and weaknesses. For reading group we worked on sounding out the different words and even played BINGO to help the kids work on their sight words. On Tuesday there was Screening test for kids that is in preschool and coming to kindergarten this fall. The screening test seeing kids do different activities and how they answer the questions by listening and doing physical activities by listening to directions carefully. On Wednesday it was fun because I went into a second grade to interact with the kids in the class when they had snack time talking and talking to them was only 15 minutes. Interacting with the kids was fun because they introduced me to a animal in the classroom but they all had to use their predictions what it will be. When it was time to leave the kids was sad that I was leaving but I told them I will be in their classroom every Wednesday and that made them feel better. Thursday it was a half day which was nice because I got to see how a second grade teacher teach the class. Also, when to a class called AP. This class helps the kids understand what their class will be doing in PE class and let them beware of what will happen. Friday was game day for the reading group so we played BINGO sight words again with the kids. I helped the kids with word sounding and help kids when they needed help.

Week 3.

This week was an interesting and fun. In the morning I got to sit in a second grade classroom and observe how a second grade teacher teach a class. When I entered the room kids went up to me and asked me what they should call me. I got to work with a kid that has special needs work in the classroom. Observing how he does academic work such as English, Social Studies, Math, and Science. The kid can totally understand what the teachers are talking about it’s just putting the work on the paper that needs more time. In the afternoon I went into a 3rd grade class to work with a kid that needs help with social skills. Friday I interviewed different teachers asking them what they liked about teaching and what made them become a teacher.

Week 4.

This week was nice. On Monday I got to work with second graders and work on there sight words. I also got to work with 3rd graders on their weekly spelling words, helped the kids with sounding the word and putting the words into a sentence. On Thursday was a fun day I helped out with Kindergartener screening. I got to meet the kids that will be in kindergarten next year. On Friday I got to sit in a reading group and see how Ms. Marola taught the student strategies of reading.

Week 5.

This week was quite tiring and long. I got to sit in a one hour meeting listening to staff talking about plans for next year and talking about behavior plans with kids. I also got to prepare a lesson plan for Wednesdays reading class. It was tiring and fun at the same time because in the meantime I got to talk to some teachers about the kids reading level and how we can make a plan to change his reading skills. I made flashcards with the words and pictures to help them visualize what they see. Using the words “ink and ing” such as “rink, sing, thing, wink, and etc.” This will help the kid sound out the words and combining them together.

Week 6.

This week was great at my internship I got to teach a reading class to 3 kids the very first time. I was surprised for how the kids were respectful and listened very well. When I started to teach I felt really nervous because Mr. G even came to do a site visit too and see how I taught a reading class. I read a book that was about food in shapes. I had a really fun time teaching them and seeing the changes over time with the kids.

Week 8.

This week was nice. I got to sit in a IEP meeting and talking about the students strengths and weakness in the class, social and academic skills. It was nice to hear teachers and staffs talking and giving advice about how the student can work on this weakness and how it can be improved. After the meeting was over I got to be in a PE class with the student and see how she interacted with her peers and socialized with them. Later the week I got to be with the 1st graders, and spend time with them doing different activities. Such as reading, library time, PE, and lunch time. My favorite one was reading because I got to see how the kids different reading levels and ask them questions about the book they are reading. Also, I got to meet a new student that is still adjusting in the Newton area and brand new school. I got to learn that tis student is very interested in sharks and cars.

Week 10: Time flies by when you are having too much fun. It was my last week at Cabot everyone was extremely nice and sad to leave the nice community.