Where can I find your Amazon Wishlists?

Transported Family Bag wish list

For the hospitalized Keiki

How can I ship my wedding dress to you for transformation?

Do you provide flyers and information for my group to participate in a collection drive?

We currently have hundreds of collection pamphlets to hand out as the schools who had planned to participate couldn't any longer due to covid. Please contact us and we will get your group the information they need.

Why is it called Caylee Couture?

When we were just starting one of the transported mommas we met had a little girl far too early. She was a fighter and battled many health issues in her short life. We grew close to her mom as we talked to her and shared the emotional load as her family lived on Big Island. As her memory still guides us we decided to name this part of our project after her. We are always in need of more seamstresses on island, We can also teach the skills needed. Soon we will have our own pattern we will use for these gowns and rompters.

Why is it called Danya's Gift?

If you read the rather long story you will know that we treasured every moment we had with her as we never knew what one may be our last. We decided that the gift we got needed to be passed on to others who feel very alone. As Danya has grown our focus has changed, but it is only because she is a young lady now who does not want to see anyone suffering, especially alone. She plays a defining role in all that we do.