Symposium: 100 years birthday symposium for Mogens Schou

When: Friday 23th November 2018, 13:30-17:30

Where: Auditorium, entrance 61A, Psychiatric Center Copenhagen, Dep. O Rigshospitalet, Henrik Harpestrengs Vej, 2100 Kbh. Ø

Mogens Schou - Gin Malhi - Janusz Rybakowski


Chairs: Maj Vinberg / Rasmus W. Licht

13:00-13:30 Sandwich

13:30-13:35 Introduction

13:35-14:45 Lithium, the King of mood stabilizers Professor Gin Malhi, University of Sydney, Australia - Watch Video.

14:45-15:30 The history of lithium – the influence of Mogens Schou Professor Janusz Rybakowski, Department of Adult Psychiatry, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland - Watch Video.

15:30-16:00 Coffee break

16:00-16:30 The position of lithium in the management of acute mania and beyond Professor Rasmus W. Licht, Aalborg University Hospital, Denmark - Watch Video.

16:30-17:00 Lithium: When, why and for whom Professor Lars Vedel Kessing, Psychiatric Centre Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet, Denmark - Watch Video.

The Symposium is made possible by support from:

Arrangementet er anmeldt til Nævnet for Selvjustits på Lægemiddelområdet.