Published papers

Working papers

Selling violent extremism (Job Market Paper)


Domestic violent extremist organizations have become a significant threat to Western democracies, with some groups attracting tens of thousands of members. How did these groups amass such large followings? Surprisingly, some of these organizations behave similarly to firms. I study the effect of three firm tactics – membership discounts, armed events, and advertisements – on the demand for membership in the Oath Keepers, America’s largest paramilitary organization. Using a synthetic control-like strategy, I find that discounts cause new member sign-ups to increase by over 60% and cause-related marketing by 150% respectively; however, sports sponsorships decrease it. Demand for membership is less responsive to price changes in counties with more income inequality, but more so in heavily politically conservative counties.

Deterrence using Reaction Curves: An empirical analysis of the Israeli-Gaza Conflict


We use response curves in a repeated game to formalize key aspects of integrated deterrence: escalation, de-escalation, incomplete deterrence, and deterrence by denial. In our approach, episodes of violence are due to the interaction of response curves, which follow a strategic logic of disincentivizing opponents from attacking, through both deterrence and compellence. To maintain credibility both sides punish attacks, disincentivizing larger attacks and yielding nonviolent lulls. We empirically estimate those curves using detailed incident data from the Israel-Gaza conflict between 2007 and 2018. Our estimates match the dynamics of the raw data: very frequent episodes of low lethality violent exchange. Response curves are stable and exhibit a posture consistent with incomplete deterrence: i.e., episodes de-escalate, but not to complete nonviolence in equilibrium. Major Israeli military operations shift the Gazan reaction curve inwards, yielding a less violent equilibrium.

DRC 29Jan2024 West Point.pdf
