Practicum Training

Supervised Work Experience 211 (PRACTICUM TRAINING)


Flexible Practicum Training (FPT) is an innovative approach to Practicum or On-the-job training for BSIHM/BSITM and BSND students, which aims to integrate FLEXIBLE PRACTICUM MICRO TRAINING SERIES as a response to the uncertainty of physical training in the establishment. The Flexible Practicum Training that we had is composed of Micro Training Webinar Series, Career and Life Essentials Modules through Canvas and skills-based learning through Lobster Ink Courses given by the Hospitality Institute of America-Philippines Inc. (HIAP Inc.)


Micro Training Series 1

Traveling in today's pandemic is really hard because there are a lot of restrictions and requirements in order for you to travel inside or outside the country. . As we can see today, our tourism is getting there. Little by little, the hospitality and tourism industry is getting back on its track. But getting back on track is not easy. A lot of things should be done first before getting in a place outside your place. Most importantly, guests want to ensure their safety while traveling. Health and safety are the primary concern of travelers. So, a lot of places today requires a medical certificate or Swab test in order to travel in a place or country. Rebooting tourism build new competencies and harness them. We all know that we cannot go back to the things we are used to, but we should just accept the fact that this is the new normal, we should just think about it as a challenge that we should complete. Just like the meaning of transcend, learning beyond the ordinary means that we should be learning things in a new and fresh form.

Micro Training Series 2

Managing hotel’s contactless experience and commitment to guest’s safety is all about having a contactless experience at the same time, giving the guests or tourists the same experience, which is giving them a wonderful and one-of-a-kind experience that they can treasure. Last 2020, Covid struck all of the businesses especially in the hospitality industry. Even before the pandemic, the hospitality industry Provides security and sanitation, but today these protocols are elevated so that guests and tourist will feel much safer when travelling. Ms. Elena also discussed the process or how the industry is adjusting to the new normal. Like, having protocols when a guest or tourist enter an establishment or hotel. The seminar also tackled the way establishments do their sanitation, on boarding etc. Another topic they tackled is the new guest experience; Where a hotel or establishments provides the same guest experience but with a new approach like having a contactless reservation by doing in online. Checking temperature or health declaration form by filling it up via online or scanning it via QR code provided by an establishment.

Micro Training Series 3

The title of the webinar was rediscovering food and travel through blogging/ vlogging and making money from it. The speaker showed the ways and what to do with the content you want to do. The webinar also tackled the types of content you can do if you want to start vlogging or blogging. He also mentioned that blogging is the long-form of content while vlogging is digestible or visual content. Making vlogs or blogs can also make money. Not only that you can make money but you will also gain experience and knowledge while vlogging or blogging. Today, vlogging and blogging is the new era of traveling, now that we are in a pandemic, we cannot just go around and travel. And because of that, vlogging/blogging is one of the ways to travel freely. Because of the pandemic, a lot of us is just staying at home and just go to social media to check what is trending right now that’s why a lot of people now is making vlogs or blogs online because there’s a lot of people who is online and searching for travel blogs/vlogs. Overall, the webinar was full of knowledge and it also helped me know more about vlogging.

Micro Training Series 4

In today’s pandemic, the world is now turning into a virtual world where people are more active online because first, there is a pandemic going on in our society and second, it is more convenient because it is an easy access world; You just need any gadget and the internet. Today, we are adjusting to the new normal which is the virtual world. Because a lot of people today stay indoor, even when we work, it is work from home. Not only that we are more active in the virtual world, but we are slowly adapting it. Example for that is the way we buy things online or going to places. Instead of going out to buy food, we just go to our phones or any gadget with online food delivery and order. Places like museums, art exhibit, fashion shows are also available online, you don’t need to go out just to attend or go to that place, you can just go there virtually. Even in our industry, restaurant, hotel reservations are now done virtually. You can place or book a hotel or restaurant thru online delivery or online reservation. And for me, I think even if this pandemics ends, our lifestyle will never be the same because the virtual world really did make our lives easier.

Micro Training Series 5

The speaker shared her real-life story, where she went through ups and downs in her life. She also taught us to be responsible. The speaker also shared her experiences in the aviation industry wherein she taught us how she managed to be a multitasker. The speaker also shared the benefits of an aviation worker, where they have free flights and discounted seats for family members. She also taught us to separate work from our personal lives so that, we can focus more when we are at work. Not only, in the aviation industry but also other work industry. The speaker also taught us to adapt to the current situation wherein the industry is constantly changing. So, you must know how to adapt to things so that you can easily go through with it. The speaker’s life is very inspiring because she was once on the down side of life and she never gave up on her dreams and now she is successful. The speaker also gave us a lot of tips that we can use in the near future. A lot of the work industry is facing a lot of problems and we should know how to adapt to the new normal.

Micro Training Series Season 5

For me, the most important part of the webinar was the part where the speakers shared their past experiences when they were still reaching for their dream. Like when Ms. Marikit told us that she had many rejections before she was hired by Cebu Pacific Airlines, Saudi Arabian Airlines, and Philippine Airlines. She mentioned that she did everything she could just to be in her current position on Philippine Airlines. She was not hesitant to ask people she didn't know personally the things she wants to know in order for her to get hired by those Airlines. I also love the fact that Ms. Liezel was very motivated by the hardships she was having when she was not yet working on Holand. Because she also shared that before she was delayed in getting her degree because of financial problems and that she had a job before as a cashier and that didn't stop her to dream bigger. For me, the greatest lesson in this webinar is to be motivated by the hardships and rejections you are currently facing. Do not give up just because there are obstacles on your way to achieving your dream. Instead, make this your inspiration to do your best, so you'll get your dream no matter what the hindrances.

Micro Training Series Season 5

For this seminar, I’ve learned that confidence is not all about the degree or accomplishments in life, but believing in yourself. Because one of the speakers shared that a lot of Filipinos outside the Philippines are successful in life because they really believe in themselves and at the same time, they do it with passion. Hard work is good but giving the best of yourself helps you get that confidence in life. In today’s time, restaurants and cafes are not only focusing on the simple way of dining, but they also rethink or revise themselves on how they can give the customers the best experience when they are dining in. Culture is also a key to giving the customer’s the best experience in dining because it takes them to a country they have not yet visited through the foods they are eating.


Career & Life Essentials Series 1

The webinar entitled Series 6: Wellness Focus - Rest and Reflect: Improving Well-being in times of pandemic is a new and fresh way to start off the weekend. Because the webinar was all about wellness and the host made us do some yoga. She also did some card reading for us which is a new way of getting the watcher’s attention. The webinar was fun and also relaxing because the speaker taught us some of the yoga techniques, she’s teaching to her yoga class. She also introduced laughing yoga to the webinar, which is a fun and exciting activity to do and a new way of yoga for me because this is the first time, I experienced this type of yoga. The speaker also tackled the topic of stress, which a lot of us today experience because of the pandemic. The main goal in this webinar was to interact and engage with the yoga exercise, which the yoga speaker was teaching us. In general, the yoga was very fun and also a new experience because the laughing yoga was a new experience for me and I think a lot of us, the watchers are also new to this type of yoga.

Career & Life Essentials Series 2

The webinar starts off with the speaker sharing with us some Bible verses that we can all relate. It’s all about giving thanks to our God because he is the one who gave us our strength and what we have in our lives. The speaker also taught us a lot about saving money and different types of business that we can start as young adults. She also taught us about the Harod-Domar Model where you can see the way how to save up money. Having your own business can lead you to be your own boss. Having your own business can really save you so much time because you hold your own time unlike if you are an employee. Also, in a business, you have a lot of threats and failures but you should not be discouraged about it instead, make this an opportunity to grow bigger and stronger because hard work pays off. Having a business whether small or big, is an achievement that we all can achieve if we just believe in ourselves. And also, we should not be discouraged if we face failure in our business because having your own business is a risk that you should take fully. Overall, the webinar was very informative and fun because I learned a lot from it.

Career & Life Essentials Series 3

The speaker talked about the things that affect our minds or our mental states. The speaker also told us that a lot of people thinks that personal weaknesses or character flaws cause mental health problems. People with mental health problems can snap out of it if they try hard enough. But the truth is that mental illness is a very hard illness because you are fighting yourself, whether to give up or not. And a lot of people in this society think that having a mental illness is being crazy which is very absurd because mental illness is no joke, it is not a disease that is contagious or a disease that makes people go crazy. Mental illness is a battle within yourself that’s why a lot of people thinks a specific person is crazy. The problem with our society is that they see people with mental illness as weak or just overreacting. But the truth is that these kinds of people doesn’t need that kind of understanding. They need someone who will and can understand them because for them it is hard to understand themselves, so they need someone to guide them towards the right path.


Essential Public Health: COVID-19 (Restaurants)

Essential Public Health: COVID-19 (Lodging)

Bar and Beverage Management

Information Management Training

Housekeeping Management

Food and Beverage Service Management

Events Management

Front Office Professional

Hospitality Standards

Hospitality Management