

M. Rosebrock, D. Zámbó, P. Rusch, D. Pluta, F. Steinbach, P. Bessel, A. Schlosser, A. Feldhoff, K. J. D. Hindricks, P. Behrens, D. Dorfs, N. C. Bigall: Fluorescence Quenching in Mixed Semiconductor Noble Metal Assemblies, nanoGe Spring Meeting 2022 (NSM22) Online, Spain, 2022 March 7th - 11th (virtual conference) (

D. Zámbó: Töltéshordozó-szeparáció és dinamika nanorészecskés gélszerkezetekben, MTA Katalízis Munkabizottsági Ülés, Budapest, ELKH-TTK, 2021.12.13

D. Zámbó: Hibrid gélstruktúrák nanorészecskés építőkövekből: optika és töltéshordozó szeparáció, MTA Kolloidkémiai Munkabizottsági Ülés, 2021.11.08 (virtual)

D. Zámbó, A. Schlosser, J. Schlenkrich, M. Rosebrock; P. Rusch, N.C. Bigall: Semiconductor nanoparticle-based hybrid gel structures. XXVII. International Conference on Chemistry, Cluj, Romania, 2021 (virtual conference)

D.P. Szekrényes, D. Zámbó, Z. Zolnai, Z. Osváth, Z. Hajnal, A. Deák: Inhomogén felületi borítottságú arany nanorészecskék előállítása és önszerveződése, XXVII. International Conference on Chemistry, Cluj, Romania, 2021 (virtual conference, oral presentation)

D. Zámbó: Nanoparticle gel networks as novel platforms in electrochemical sensing, Symposium on Materials Science, Mátraháza, Hungary, 04-06/10/2021 (oral presentation)

D. P. Szekrényes, D. Zámbó, A. Deák: Patchy nanoprisms, Symposium on Materials Science, Mátraháza, Hungary, 04-06/10/2021 (oral presentation)

D.P. Szekrényes, D. Zámbó, A. Deák: Ligand exchange and particle self-assembly on individual nanoparticles followed by optical scattering spectroscopy, EMRS Fall 2021, 2021.09.21. (virtual conference, oral presentation)

D. Zámbó, A. Schlosser, J. Schlenkrich, P. Rusch, R.T. Graf, F. Lübkemann, A. Feldhoff, N.C. Bigall: Assembling Nanocrystals into Hybrid Functional Gel Structures by Means of Multivalent Cations. Bunsen-Tagung 2021, Regensburg, Germany, 2021 (virtual conference)

J. Schlenkrich, D. Zámbó, A. Schlosser, M. Rosebrock, P. Rusch, N.C. Bigall: Charge Carrier Separation in Semiconductor-Metal Hybrid Nanostructures. Bunsen-Tagung 2021, Regensburg, Germany, 2021 (virtual conference)

F. Lübkemann, J. F. Miethe, D. Zámbó, R. Anselmann, P. Rusch, A. Schlosser, T. Kodanek, T. Heinemeyer, D. Natke, D. Zok, D. Dorfs, N.C. Bigall: Inkjet Printing: Patterning of 3D Nanoparticle-Based Aerogel-Like Networks for Photoelectrochemical Applications. Bunsen-Tagung 2021, Regensburg, Germany, 2021 (virtual conference)

S. Jooken, Y. de Coene, O. Deschaume, D. Zámbó, T. Aubert, Z. Hens, D. Dorfs, T. Verbiest, K. Clays, G. Callewaert, C. Bartic: Quantum dots for two-photon cell transmembrane electric field imaging, International Conference on Advances in Functional Materials (AAAFM-UCLA), Los Angeles, USA, 2021

Dániel Zámbó, Jakob Schlenkrich, Anja Schlosser, Marina Rosebrock, Rebecca T. Graf, Pascal Rusch, Franziska Lübkemann, Nadja C. Bigall: Bridging the nano- and the macroscale: functional nanocrystal gel networks, 15th LNQE NanoDay, Hanover, Germany, 2020 (online conference)

Dániel Zámbó, Anja Schlosser, Pascal Rusch, Franziska Lübkemann, Nadja C. Bigall: Controlled 3D dimensional self-assembly of cadmium-chalcogenide nanoparticles into voluminous, porous aerogels, 1st International Conference on Aerogel Inspired Materials, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2019

Z. Zolnai, D. Zámbó, D. P. Szekrényes, and A. Deák: Radiative damping of surface plasmon resonance in gold nanoparticles: the effect of shape, size, and substrate material, E-MRS 2019 Fall Meeting, Warsaw, 2019

Dániel Zámbó, Daniel P. Szekrényes, Szilárd Pothorszky, Anja Schlosser, Pascal Rusch, Franziska Lübkemann, Yuqing Wang, Norbert Nagy, András Deák, Nadja C. Bigall: Two- and three-dimensional self-assembly of plasmonic and semiconductor nanoparticles: from nanopatterning to self-supported aerogels, MUPHARM 2019, Ain Sokhna, Egypt, 2019 (invited speaker, keynote lecture)

Dániel Zámbó: Nanoparticles in bio-related applications, MUPHARM 2019, Mansoura, Egypt, 2019 (opening talk)

Dániel P. Szekrényes, Szilárd Pothorszky, Dániel Zámbó, Zoltán Hajnal, Zoltán Osváth, András Deák: Patchy nanoparticles and their assemblies investigated at the single particle level, 11th Conference on Colloid Chemistry, 28-30. May 2018, Eger, Hungary

Szekrényes D. Péter, Szilárd Pothorszky, Dániel Zámbó, Zoltán Hajnal, Zoltán Osváth, András Deák: Surface chemical patch formation and self-assembly investigated at the single-particle level, ECIS 2018, 2-7. September 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Sz. Pothorszky, D. Zámbó, D. Szekrényes, A. Deák: Region-selective self-assembly of patchy particles investigated at the single particle level, 2018 Early Career Scientist Summit, 18-22 June 2018 - Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK

Szilárd Pothorszky, Dániel Zámbó, Dániel Péter Szekrényes, Zoltán Hajnal, András Deák: Patchy nanoparticle preparation and assembly, ECIS 2017, Madrid, Spain, 2017

Dániel Zámbó, Szilárd Pothorszky, Norbert Nagy, András Deák: Programmed and directed self-assembly of gold nanoparticle: nanoparticle clusters and single-chain nanoparticle rings, WMRIF 2016, Tsukuba, Japan, 2016

Dániel Zámbó, Norbert Nagy, Szilárd Pothorszky, András Deák: Preparation of single chain gold nanoparticle rings by capillary lithography, Chemical Engineering’s Day ‘16, Veszprém, Hungary, 2016

Szilárd Pothorszky, Dániel Zámbó, András Deák: Assembling patchy nanorods with spheres: limitations imposed by colloidal interactions, Chemical Engineering’s Day ‘16, Veszprém, Hungary, 2016

Norbert Nagy, Dániel Zámbó, Szilárd Pothorszky, András Deák: Nanoparticle rings prepared by capillary lithography, E-MRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 2015

Dániel Zámbó, András Deák: Controlled self-assembly of gold nanoparticles by fine-tuning colloidal interactions, Conference of Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 2014

Dániel Zámbó, Szilárd Pothorszky, Eszter Gergely-Fülöp, Norbert Nagy, András Deák: Gold Nanostructures Prepared Based on a Colloid Chemical Approach, 20th International Conference on Chemistry, Cluj-Napoca, 2014

Dániel Zámbó, Emőke Volentiru, Zoltán Hórvölgyi: Porous silica coatings with improved light transmittance, Chemical Engineering’s Day ’12, Veszprém, Hungary, 2012


Denis Pluta, Pascal Rusch, Dániel Zámbó, Franziska Lübkemann, Dirk Dorfs, Nadja C. Bigall: Synthesis and Characterisation of NIR photoluminescent Aerogels. Bunsen-Tagung 2021, Regensburg, Germany, 2021 (virtual conference) ***BEST POSTER PRIZE by PCCP***

Rebecca Graf, Anja Schlosser, Dániel Zámbó, Jakob Schlenkrich, Pascal Rusch, Denis Pluta, Atasi Chatterjee, Herbert Pfnür, Nadja C. Bigall: Tuneable Distance of Nanoplatelets in Semiconductor Nanoplatelet/Polymer Hybrid Structures. Bunsen-Tagung 2021, Regensburg, Germany, 2021 (virtual conference)

Marina Rosebrock, Dániel Zámbó, Pascal Rusch, Denis Pluta, Frank Steinbach, Patrick Bessel, Anja Schlosser, Armin Feldhoff, Karen Hindricks, Peter Behrens, Dirk Dorfs, Nadja C. Bigall: Spatial Extent of Fluorescence Quenching in Mixed Semiconductor-Metal Nanoparticle Gel Networks. Bunsen-Tagung 2021, Regensburg, Germany, 2021 (virtual conference)

Hadeer Borg, Dániel Zámbó, Heba Elmansi, Heba Maher, Jenny Jehan Nasr, Mohammed I. Walash, Nadja C. Bigall, Fathalla Belal: Iron oxide nanoparticle-based magnetic solid phase extraction of trace amounts of Gefitinib anti-cancer drug from water and human plasma samples followed by HPLC detection, Biologics and Biosimilars Symposium, Newgiza University, Cairo, Egypt, 2020

Marina Rosebrock, Daniel Zámbó, Pascal Rusch, Anja Schlosser, Sebastian Friebe, Dirk Dorfs and Nadja C. Bigall: Multicompound Nanoparticle Gel Networks – Mixing Semiconductors and Noble Metals, Resolving the Full Picture: Complementary Spectroscopic Approaches to Explore Dynamics in Physical and Chemical Systems, Bad Honnef, 2020

Anja Schlosser, Lea C. Meyer, Daniel Zámbó, Franziska Lübkemann, Björn Schremmer, Jan F. Miethe, Nadja C. Bigall: Investigating charge carrier transport processes in semiconductor nanoparticle assemblies by photoelectrochemical techniques, NANAX9, Hamburg, 2019

Jakob Schlenkrich, Dániel Zámbó, Anja Schlosser, Pascal Rusch, Nadja C. Bigall: Assembling Semiconductor-Nobel Metal Hybrid Nanoparticles into Macroscopic Gel Structures, LNQE NanoDay 2019, Hannover, Germany, 2019

Dániel Zámbó, Anja Schlosser, Pascal Rusch, Franziska Lübkemann, Nadja C. Bigall: Three-dimensional assembly of cadmium-chalcogenide nanoparticles: towards aerogels by means of trivalent cations, LNQE NanoDay 2019, Hannover, Germany, 2019

Emőke Albert, Borbála Tegze, Zoltán Hajnal, Dániel Zámbó, Dániel P. Szekrényes, Zoltán Hórvölgyi, Norbert Nagy: Simple and robust contact angle determination for sessile drops without apex, XXV. Nemzetközi Vegyészkonferencia, Kolozsvár, Románia, 2019

Dániel Zámbó, Anja Schlosser, Franziska Lübkemann, Nadja C. Bigall: Lanthanide-induced 3D self-assembly of cadmium-based semiconductor nanoparticles, 118th General Assembly of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry, Jena, Germany, 2019

Yuqing Wang, Dániel Zámbó, Franziska Lübkemann, Anja Schlosser, Nadja C. Bigall: Inkjet printing of nanoparticle gels, 118thGeneral Assembly of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry, Jena, Germany, 2019

Dániel Zámbó, Dániel P. Szekrényes, Szilárd Pothorszky, Norbert Nagy, András Deák: Reporter particle-loaded single plasmonic nanovoids and their SERS activity, 118th General Assembly of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry, Jena, Germany, 2019

Z. Zolnai, A. K. Rossall, J. A. van den Berg, A. Deák, S. Pothorszky, D. Zámbó, L. Illés, and G. Battistig: Large-angle dual scattering yield in the MEIS spectra of gold nanostructures, 9th International Workshop on High-Resolution Depth Profiling, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2018

Dániel Zámbó, Szilárd Pothorszky, Dániel P. Szekrényes, András Deák: Perturbation-induced clustering of PEGylated gold nanoparticles, 11th Conference on Colloid Chemistry, Eger, Hungary, 2018

Dániel P. Szekrényes, Szilárd Pothorszky, Dániel Zámbó, Zoltán Osváth, András Deák: Patch formation on tip-selectively modified gold nanorods at the single particle level, 11th Conference on Colloid Chemistry, Eger, Hungary, 2018

Z. Zolnai, P. Petrik, A. Deák, S. Pothorszky, D. Zámbó, G. Vértesy, N. Nagy, A. K. Rossall, J. A. van den Berg: A Three Dimensional Analysis of Au-Silica Core-Shell Nanoparticles Using Medium Energy Ion Scattering, 8th International Workshop on High-Resolution Depth Profiling, London, Ontario, Canada, 2016

Szilárd Pothorszky, Dániel Zámbó, Zoltán Hajnal, András Deák: Programmed assembly of anisotropic nanoparticles supporting surface chemical patches with spherical particles by fine tuning colloidal interactions, Faraday Discussion, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2016

Dániel Zámbó, Szilárd Pothorszky, András Deák: Controlling the aggregation kinetics and cluster structure of gold nanoparticles covered by amino-PEG, E-MRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 2015

Szilárd Pothorszky, Dániel Zámbó, András Deák: Directing anisotropic assembly between charged gold nanoparticles through well-defined regio-selective surface modification, E-MRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 2015

Dániel Zámbó, András Deák: Clustering of mPEG-coated nanoparticles, 4th International Colloids Conference, Madrid, Spain, 2014

Emőke Albert, Dániel Zámbó, Mátyás Dabóczi, Éva Kunsági-Máté, Jánosné Kabai, Zoltán Hórvölgyi: Incubation and investigation of mesoporous thin layers, X. Conference of George Olah Doctoral School, Budapest, Hungary, 2013


D. Zámbó: Semiconductor nanoparticle-based functional aerogel structures, Centre for Energy Research, MFA Seminar, 08/09/2021

D. Zámbó, Directed self-assembly of gold nanoparticles: nanoparticle clusters, 2D arrays, heterodimers, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany, 2018/03/22 (seminar)