Curriculum Vitae

Brief CV:

After receiving my two Masters in Aviation (2006) and in Mechanical Engineering with focus on Control and Automation (2008) I joined the Institute of Flight System of the German Aerospace Center early 2008. Located at the airfield in Manching I worked as flight test engineer specialized on Handling Quality evaluations for military aircraft. I relocated to Munich at the end of 2008 and joined DLR's Institute of System Dynamics and Control. Model based Fault Detection as well as Fault Tolerant Control became my main research focus. In the two EU-FP 7 research projects ADDSAFE (2009-2012) and RECONFIGURE (2013-2016)  I developed together with AIRBUS and other academic partners advanced algorithms to improve aircraft sustainability and performance. 

In 2015 I joined the Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics Department at the University of Minnesota as Postdoctoral Associate. Besides supervising students and teaching undergraduate and graduate courses my research focused on robust control techniques with application to wind turbines. I was designed and tested advanced load reduction control algorithms for the university owned 2.5MW Clipper wind turbine.

In May 2017 I returned DLR's Institute of System Dynamics and Control working on modern flight control algorithms, FDI, and modern robust control techniques. I was  involved in the Clean Sky Project NACOR to develop load alleviation algorithms for aircraft as well as the Horizon 2020 project FLEXOPT to develop a demonstrator for active flutter suppression.

In September 2019 I started my position as full professor for control engineering at the Munich University of Applied Sciences HM (Hochschule München). Since October 1st, 2021 I officially hold a Research Professorship at HM. That means less teaching and more time for conducting research!


Professional Experience

Honors & Awards

Memberships & Activities