Game iWatch

Game iwatch was a project created during my 3rd year in Digital Interaction Design.

Above is an animation and some images showing off the concept video for my imagined iWatch product. The video presented was created and edited at the height of CoVid.

This was a collaborative project created by Daniel Rooney and Aiesha Duncan. For this project, we shared responsibility when it came to Researching and Designing the project, we took alot of inspiration from the aesthetic of current iWatch apps and melded that with a retro video game aesthetic. We faced some limitations due to covid when making this project, as this was during lockdown and as such we had to communicate remotely. In spite of this however, we were able to share assets and create screens and prototyping the interaction using Adobe XD among other software. We shared responsibility creating graphics, however Aiesha did the videography while Daniel edited the footage together.