
Artists and Curator


井田 亜彩実

Asami Ida

"Where does right come from?" 






22-23シーズン、日本発ダンスプロリーグ“D.LEAGUE ”へ「LIFULL ALT-RHYTHM」として参戦。



Asami Ida is a choreographer, dancer and Artistic director of “Arche” based on Japan.

She began her dance training in Tsukuba University.

In 2013, She got scholarship “Program of Overseas Study for Upcoming Artists”

In 2014, She joined Maria Kong in Israel.

In 2020, She founded “Arche”.

She also joined “LIFULL ALT-RHYTHM” of  D.LEAGUE 2022-2023.

2021, “Yokohama Dance Collection2021 Competiton Ⅰ” Encouraging award.

She is working at Shinshu University.


portrait photo by hitoha nasu

stage photo by 大洞博靖


Yu Okamoto 

"OBEY to Supreme"

東京都出身。幼少よりクラッシックバレエを始める。ジャズ、ストリートダンス等 様々なジャンルに触れてからは事務所に所属し、CM・MV等出演。大学入学以降コ ンテンポラリーダンスに没頭。2011年よりダンスカンパニー ダンス集 団”TABATHA”を主宰し創作開始。単独公演の実施、映像出演、ワークショップ、 屋外パフォーマンス等多数行い、場を選ばず国内外で活動。伊藤郁女「さかさまの 世界」、岡田利規演出 オペラ「夕鶴」等、複数作品づくりに携わり活動の幅を広 げている。CM、演劇、映画、アイドルへの振付提供も行う。横浜ダンスコレク ション2019「若手振付家のための在日フランス大使館賞 ヴァンクリーフ&アペール 賞」「シビウ国際演劇祭賞」をダブル受賞。2022年Cité internationale des arts (パリ) で3ヶ月のレジデンス、Centre national de la danseにて創作や研究を行った。
From Tokyo. Started classical ballet from a young age. After leaning various genres such as jazz dance and street dance, She belonged to the office and appeared in commercials, Music video, etc. Immersed in contemporary dance after entering university. In 2011, She presided over the dance company "TABATHA" and started creating. They conduct many performances, video appearances, workshops, outdoor performances, etc. And work in Japan and abroad regardless of the venue. She is involved in the creation of multiple works, such as Kaori Ito's "An upside-down world" and the Opera "Yuzuru" directed by Toshiki Okada, and expanding the range of activities. She also provide choreography for commercials, plays, movies, and idols. Double won the Yokohama Dance Collection 2019 "French Embassy Award for Young Choreists in Japan, Van Cleef & Appel Award" and "Sibiu International Theater Festival Award". In 2022, she worked on creation and research at the Centre national de la danse, a 3-month residence in Cité internationale des arts (Paris).

stage photo by 菅原康太 


Kohei Fujimura 

"対象a / object a"

1995年生まれ。東京、横浜を拠点に舞踊家・音楽家として活動。平山素子にダンスを学び、音楽理論と器楽奏法をタツキアマノに師事する。 2020年以降「身体は如何にして”舞踊する身体”として再構築されるのか」という問いを出発点にリサーチや実験的なパフォーマンスを開始。また、この問いの延長として「ダンスと音楽の関係性」に着目することからダンスの発生を問うことを目的とした作品の制作を行う。2022年には、構造主義の思想を援用し、ダンスの前提する積極的意思や主体性を転覆することを試みた作品“対象a”がKyoto choreography Awardにて【京都賞】を受賞。その他に、”Predancemusic”や“2本のフルートと踊りのための断章”などが代表作に挙げられる。

筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究科修了。修士論文は「ダンサーの身体に現れる即興的性質に関する研究」。DaBY レジデンスアーティスト。

Born in 1995. Works as a choreographer and musician based in Tokyo and Yokohama. Studied dance under Motoko Hirayama and music theory and instrumentation under Tatsuki Amano. After 2020, he began research and experimental performances based on the question, "How can the body be reconstructed as a 'dancing body'? As an extension of this question, he will also create works that aim to explore the inception of dance by focusing on the "relationship between dance and music.

In 2022, he will present "object a," a work that attempts to subvert the positive intention and independence assumed by dance, using the ideas of structuralism as a support. This work received the "Kyoto Prize" at the Kyoto Choreography Award. Other representative works include "Predancemusic" and “Bagatelle pour deus flutes et danse.

He received MA. from the Graduate University of Tsukuba. Master's thesis: "Research on improvisational qualities of dancers' bodies" DaBY Residence Artist.

stage photo by 草本利枝

Curating Producer


Fuyuko Mezawa 

13歳までヨーロッパで育ち、バレエやジャズダンス、ヒップホップダンスを習い、身体を通したコミュニケーションに出会う。桜美林大学総合文化学群演劇専修在学中にコンテンポラリーダンスを木佐貫邦子に師事し、舞台の世界に踏み込む。卒業後、文学座映画放送部での俳優マネージャー職と並行して、ダンスカンパニーBaobabのダンサー・制作を担う。ゴーチ ・ブラザーズに転職後、演出家マネジメント職と共に、公共劇場やフェスティバルの制作を行うほか、プロデュースも行う。演劇とダンス双方の経験を糧に、国際的なネットワーキングにも注力したマネジメント活動を行う。

Fuyuko Mezawa was born in Tokyo and has lived in The Netherlnds and Luxemburg for 10 years in childhood. She practiced several dance such as Classical ballet, Jazz dance and Hip hop then.  In Oberlin University, She started to dance Contemporary dance and became a member of Dance Company Baobab lead by Wataru Kitao. Since 2016, Baobab organizes dance festival “DANCExScrum!!!” biennially. As her career, She joined theater drama company and work as an artist management agent. She became independent manager and producer in 2017 and starts to join the dance project of theater and festivals domestics and overseas. She has join several international community such as Asia Producers Platforms Camp, European Festival Academy and others. 

portrait photo by Manaho Kaneko