Welcome to my website :)

Since October 2021, I'm a PhD student in applied mathematics at CEREMADE, Paris Dauphine university, and Collège de France. My PhD advisors are Pierre-Luis Lions  and Charles Bertucci

My research focusses on macroeconomic models with heterogeneous agents, where I use strongly the theory of mean field games and stochastic control. Other topics of interest for academic research include financial economics, and statistics.

Furthermore to the research regarding my PhD project, I participate in some research projects for Sapyens SAS BIC, in which I develop and adapt mathematical and statistical models in health economic evaluations for the perspective of Colombia's General System of Social Security in Health.

My ORCID is 0000-0003-4809-1477, my arXiv preprints can be found here, and my twitter is @damurillot.