Servant Leadership

ChrySAlis 2023

My journey as an EXCO member of SAJC's Student Leadership Summit organised 'By Student Leaders, For Student Leaders'

From March to May 2023, I had the privilege of serving as an Executive Committee (EXCO) member for ChrySAlis 2023, SAJC's highly anticipated Student Leadership Summit. Collaborating with my dedicated team, we invested countless hours in meticulous preparation and planning, aiming to create a fruitful experience for student leaders from our school and affiliated secondary schools. What set ChrySAlis apart from any other events was its unique approach of a Leadership Summit organised 'By Student Leaders, For Student Leaders'. This philosophy drove us to curate a comprehensive programme consisting of team-building activities, leadership conversations, and workshops, all carefully curated to equip participants with practical skills to lead and nurture others. Our facilitators, drawn from various leadership CCAs, Student Council, Saints For Christ, and Saints Advocate, played a crucial role in executing the 3-day summit alongside us.

Undoubtedly, the journey leading up to the summit was mentally taxing. Testing and refining team-building activities, devising effective lesson plans, and ensuring a productive learning experience for participants demanded our utmost dedication. However, looking back at the 4 months we spent as the EXCO team, I am filled with a profound sense of pride and fulfillment. Witnessing the culmination of our efforts during the summit, I realised the immense impact we had on the growth and development of our fellow student leaders. Within the EXCO team, I took on the role of the Publicity Sub-Committee In-Charge (IC). This position allowed me to immerse myself in designing various merchandise items, including the ChrySAlis shirt, tote bag, summit booklet, enamel pin, and pen. Hours of careful thought and creativity were poured into crafting the theme and logo as well, ensuring they resonated with the essence and spirit of the leadership summit. Additionally, our weekly EXCO meetings provided an invaluable platform for me to deepen my understanding of effective leadership practices and further refine my facilitation skills.

During the summit, which took place from 30th May to 1st June 2023, I was genuinely heartened to witness both facilitators and participants fully immersed in the experience, and embracing their leadership roles. Despite the challenges posed by safety restrictions and the inherent obstacles within the games, I was inspired by the determination and resilience displayed by the participants. Many of them took the lead and organised their teams, successfully navigating through each challenge. What truly distinguished ChrySAlis from other events I had previously led was its unwavering focus on building servant leaders. Every activity we organised had a clear and specific objective geared toward achieving this aim. Team-building games, for instance, served as powerful tools to teach the importance of distinguishing between planning and execution, instilling vital organisational skills, and teamwork. Equally significant was the inclusion of team reflections at the end of each activity, which proved to be my personal favourite. These moments compelled participants to voice their thoughts and engage in self-reflection, an essential avenue for personal growth. Moreover, facilitators will then have the opportunity to validate and affirm participants' emotions and sentiments, fostering a supportive and empowering environment.

While my leadership role for ChrySAlis differed slightly from previous experiences, as I oversaw the event rather than directly executing the activities, the sense of fulfillment I derived from seeing our plans come to life was immeasurable. In conclusion, my involvement in ChrySAlis 2023 as an EXCO member was a remarkable leadership journey. It allowed me to witness firsthand the profound impact we can have on the development of others when we work together with passion and dedication. The summit not only cultivated servant leaders among the participants but also fostered personal growth and enrichment within myself, my EXCO teammates, and my fellow facilitators. The memories created, the lessons learned, and the bonds formed will definitely leave an indelible mark on my leadership journey, fueling my desire to continue making a positive impact in the lives of others.

Orientation 2023

My journey as an Orientation Group Leader, refining leadership skills while fostering personal growth

From December 2022 to February 2023, I devoted my time to serving as an Orientation Group Leader (OGL) for Orientation 2023, an experience that profoundly shaped my leadership skills and personal growth. Having previously served as a student councilor in secondary school, planning for and facilitating during Orientation for incoming students became an event I eagerly anticipated every year, thus, this prompted me to interview for the OGL position for 2023's Orientation.

In December 2022 and January 2023, we conducted Orientation Dry-Run sessions on Saturdays, where we meticulously tested and simulated the actual 5-day program. During these sessions, I discovered great joy in networking and interacting with amiable and affable individuals. Collaborating with diverse leaders, each with their unique set of leadership skills and abilities, proved to be an enriching experience. Throughout the Dry-Run, we pushed ourselves to explore our strengths and weaknesses, leveraging our strengths for the team's benefit while simultaneously acknowledging our weaknesses. By doing so, we maximised our potential and witnessed substantial personal and collective growth, which persisted from the initial day of the Dry-Run until the culmination of the orientation. We also learned and rehearsed a mass dance routine, which we subsequently taught to Year 1 students during orientation and performed on Open House Day. This opportunity allowed us to showcase our dedication and talent while fostering a sense of camaraderie among the participants.

From 6th to 10th February 2023, the long-awaited week finally arrived, where all our preparations came to fruition. Welcoming and cheering for the new students at the school gate each morning filled me with pride, knowing that my presence, along with many others, was one of the first things they encountered on their journey at our school. I approached each day with eagerness and enthusiasm, excited to lead my group and witness their growth, not only during orientation but also their future journey throughout their time at SAJC. What I cherished most was the opportunity to have fun with Year 1 students and my fellow OGLs during the orientation games, as well as the energetic mass dance sessions.

These moments created lasting memories and reinforced the school's belief, "One Family Unbroken". My journey as an OGL was an unforgettable experience that allowed me to cultivate and refine my leadership skills while undergoing personal growth. From the initial stages of planning and conducting Dry-Run sessions to the culmination of the actual orientation week, I witnessed tremendous development, both in myself and in the individuals I had the privilege of leading. I relished the opportunity to meet new people, foster connections, and collaborate with a diverse group of leaders which enabled me to appreciate different leadership styles and abilities, further enhancing my own leadership repertoire. Looking back, this leadership journey has left an indelible mark on me. It has instilled in me a profound sense of fulfillment and hopes to continue contributing to the growth and development of others. 

ChrySAlis 2022

My journey as a participant in SAJC's Student Leadership Summit, propelling my growth as a Servant Leader

From 1st to 3rd June 2022, I had the privilege of participating in SAJC's Student Leadership Summit, ChrySAlis. The summit was a 3-day leadership workshop designed to train us in becoming effective and compassionate leaders, equipped with the skills to plan and execute service learning projects.

The summit was thoughtfully curated with the aim of building a community of Servant Leaders who would take ownership of their community and lead with strength and compassion. Throughout the summit, we were provided with opportunities to develop and sharpen our leadership skills, including effective communication, team-building, and problem-solving. One of the most memorable aspects of the summit was the chance to connect with other student leaders from different schools and backgrounds. It was a rare opportunity for me to communicate with other leaders and share my thoughts and ideas in a safe and supportive environment. Throughout the summit, we were challenged to reflect on our own values and beliefs and to consider how we could use our strengths and skills to serve our community. By the end of the summit, we were well-equipped to create a service learning project that would make a meaningful impact on our community.

Participating in ChrySAlis was a transformative experience that allowed me to develop my leadership skills and grow as a person. The knowledge and skills that I gained through the summit have already proven invaluable in my personal and professional life, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of such a meaningful and enriching experience.