


10th March 2023

Lewis Dean and Anna Puskas

An introduction to finite and affine Hecke algebras arising from p-adic fields (continued)

The analogue of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra for affine-type Kac-Moody groups

22nd February 2023

Lewis Dean

An introduction to finite and affine Hecke algebras arising from p-adic fields

15th December 2022

Martin Vrabec

Macdonald operators and Calogero-Moser systems

1st December 2022

Simone Castellan

From DAHAs to Rational Cherednik algebras

17th November 2022

Panupong Cheewaphutthisakun

Quantum toroidal algebras

10th November 2022

Simone Castellan

Spherical DAHAs

20th October 2022

Panupong Cheewaphutthisakun

DAHA for gl_n 

13th October 2022

Lewis Dean and Martin Vrabec

Presentations and representations

Double affine Hecke algebras

6th October 2022

Simone Castellan and Rhys Davies

Coxeter groups and Hecke algebras

Affine and extended affine versions