
The DAHA Working Seminar is a regular student-organised event in which participants from multiple institutions discuss topics related to Double Affine Hecke Algebras (DAHAs).

DAHAs are algebras with a rich and interesting structure, that play an important role in representation theory, and have deep connections to quantum integrable systems, combinatorics, algebraic geometry and symplectic singularities. 

The sessions are informal and flexible, with speakers giving talks on topics related to DAHAs which interest them in particular. Feel free to contact the organisers with questions or suggestions, especially if you'd like to give a DAHA-related talk of your own.


Day: Wednesday

Time: 13:00

Room: Maths 311B

Zoom: link sent every week, recordings available


The DAHA Working Seminar is currently organised by Rhys Davies and Simone Castellan.