
Throughout the Research Sprint, we've had you completing a series of artifacts and other activities. Here, we highlight the final deliverables and the pathway to how we will put it all together in the final arch of the Research Sprint.

Syllabus on Digital Self-Determination

The initial goal of this program is to create a public and open Syllabus on Digital Self-Determination that not only includes the path of learning for people who are interested in learning more but also includes a range of materials to actually help them learn. These materials produced during the Research Sprint including recordings from speakers, a bibliography of materials, questions raised, and most important, learning artifacts the reflect a given week/module's focus. Those learning artifacts are produced by the participants and will be key pieces in helping people who use the syllabus in learning more about the subject. Right now, the goal is to place that syllabus on Wikiversity, an open educatioanl resources platform that hosts such material and allow for others to also continue to contribute and learn from the materials.

Wikipedia Entry on Digital Self-Determination

The second deliverable evolved as the Research Sprint was underway, realizing that there was no entry on Wikipedia about Digital Self-Determination and that having participants help to craft an entry about it as a collective effort in a space such as Wikipedia would also reflect and invoke some of the key ideas discussed in the Research Sprint. We see this as a way to create a starting conversation with the

Session 1 Deliverables

Syllabus Project

    • Artifact that delves deeper into the concept of Digital Self-Determination

Session 2 Deliverables

Wikipedia Entry

    • Building a bibliography of research related to Digital Self-Determination

    • Secondary Assignment on cultural considerations around linguistic differences in how DSD and similar terms exist in different languages and what they mean.

Session 3 Deliverables

Living Syllabus

    • Artifacts that trace the lifespan of a piece of information that represents human identity in the digital world based upon Nashant’s talk.

Wikipedia Entry

    • Topical outline of sections that would be ideal for a Wikipedia entry.

Session 4 Deliverables

Living Syllabus

    • Artifacts related to the digital economy

Wikipedia Entry

    • Registering a Wikipedia account along with getting familiar with editing Wikipedia articles.

Session 5 Deliverables

Living Syllabus

    • Artifacts related to the digital health

Wikipedia Entry

    • Drafting Sections in small groups

Session 6 Deliverables

Living Syllabus

    • Artifacts related to information diet

Wikipedia Entry

    • Drafting Sections in small groups

Special Session 1 Deliverables

Living Syllabus

    • Survey to Participants

      • What are your best 3 contributions that you have created?

      • Provide a 1 sentence description for each one

Wikipedia Entry

    • Drafting Sections in small groups

Special Session 2 Deliverables

Living Syllabus

    • Creating a Wikiversity landing page and designing the structure for the different Sprint elements (recorded pieces, resources from the agenda, artifacts built by participants)

    • Migrating the students artifacts to the relevant areas within the Wikiversity portal.

Wikipedia Entry

    • Migrating the Wikipedia entry from Google docs to the Wikipedia sandbox for editing/clean up to Wikipedia’s standards.

Final Session 1 Deliverables

Living Syllabus

    • Publishing the syllabus

Wikipedia Entry

    • Publishing the entry