Session 6 Agenda

Session 5: Information Diets

April 22

8am-10am (EDT/Boston Time)

In Session Six, we will engage with a major issue: the question how we can build an information ecosystem that allows for an information diet that supports the kind of informed choices digital self-determination hopes to enable. We will start with a broad overview but then focus on the particular case of Wikipedia and open-access research. How do we both expand the knowledge that is available on the web while ensuring that the available content is not just from the institutions and communities with the most resources?

Pre-session Materials

You don't have to read all of the following in-depth but try to at least skim through

  • Do

    • Assignment 1, Part 1 (See below)


8am: Reflections (Mal/Lance)

8:10am: Information Diet: A Broad View (Sarah Genner)

8:25am: Information Buffet (Isaac Johnson)

8:40am: Rotating Breakout Rooms

  • Digital Accessibility / Openness (Bryan Newbold)

  • Diversifying what's Digitized (Satdeep Gill)

  • Information Diets (Sarah Genner)

9:45am: Debrief

  • Speakers and students conversation

  • Answers and highlights from the conversations are shared

9:55am: Summary, Assignment, Next Steps (Lance)

Resources referenced in this session


Assignment 1: Assessing Source Quality on Wikipedia

This is a two-part assignment: a small exploration prior to the session and then a deeper investigation and creation of an artifact following the session. The overall goal is to select a topic on Wikipedia with which you have some familiarity and summarize what knowledge sources are included and what steps would be taken to decolonize this topic.

Part I (Due by Thursday, April 22):

  • Choose a Wikipedia article about a topic that you have some familiarity with (so you can evaluate the existing sources and what might be missing) and for which you might expect there to be tension between sources that are cited and lived experiences of people that are relevant to the article. This can be as broad as the article about an entire population of people or as specific as e.g., a protest that happened and has a Wikipedia article.

  • Do an initial scan of the article to get a sense of how well it adheres to a Neutral Point of View and what viewpoints are left out, particularly if they are from those most-impacted by the article.

  • Please complete this before Session 6 (22 April) but you do not need to submit anything. It will help to bring some concrete examples to the discussions you have during the session.

Part II (Due by Tuesday, April 27):

  • Do a deeper dive into the content for your topic. Examine the existing content and sources. What languages is the article available in? Was it translated from one language to others? What sources are cited in each article (if the article exists in many languages, just choose a few languages to examine)? From whose perspective are those sources written? If they are accessible online, who are they citing? Is the source written in the same language as the article? Is there any discussion on the talk pages about neutrality? Go as deeply as you can in sketching out the current sources of knowledge and feel free to document this however you'd like -- e.g., anything from a simple list with annotations to drawing out a map etc.

  • Identify what content and sources are missing. What experiences are missing from the article's narrative? Who is impacted by the article? What languages should it exist in (or be higher quality) that it doesn't? What steps might have to be taken to decolonize this content -- e.g., are the sources available but just need to be included? Are they unavailable in digital form or primary sources (and therefore difficult to cite)?

  • Bonus: feel free to add any content that you think should be in the article that currently is not.


  • This could be quite expansive depending on the topic you choose so feel free to limit yourself to two hours.

  • If you would like to pair up with someone who you feel may have complementary knowledge on the topic, that is completely acceptable.

  • You may create your artifact however you'd like -- e.g., essay format, a sketch, a screen recording with voiceover or annotations, recording of a discussion/interview, etc.

  • Please submit this assignment by Tuesday, April 27 by 12pm EST/Boston time.

Please submit your artifact using this form:

Assignment 2: Wikipedia Entry

Continuing to draw upon the research from the Sprint and the the Bibliography from Week 2, participants should continue adding and refining the Wikipedia entry draft.

Organizing through Slack (maybe a channel for the wikipedia entry?), participants should coordinate a structured approach to adding and enhancing the draft. This would move from the initial writing for each of the sections and subsections into a more complete sections that cover the major points and elements for each section.

By next Thursday (4/29/2021), all sections should be close to or entirely complete (at least as a first draft).

In starting to write this entry, please review and keep in mind these resources as they highlight important considerations about creating a Wikipedia article:

Speaker Bios

Sarah Genner is a media and internet scholar and lecturer at various universities in Switzerland and and a visiting scholar at the Collegium Helveticum, co-sponsored by ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich, and the Zurich University of the Arts. Her research focuses on societal and psychological effects of the digital transformation. She is the author of numerous publications. She studied in Zurich and Berlin. After working as a teacher, journalist, and consultant, she was an associate researcher and lecturer at Zurich University of Applied Sciences from 2010 to 2018 focusing on digital media and the future of work. From 2014 to 2015, she was a visiting scholar and SNSF fellow at Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University. Her dissertation “ON/OFF – Risks and Rewards of the Anytime-Anywhere Internet” won the Mercator Award by the University of Zurich.

Bryan Newbold is a software developer and leads the Internet Archive's efforts to preserve and provide universal access to open research content. He has a background building scientific instruments, operating undersea robots, and contributing to peer-to-peer "dweb" network protocols. 2020-2021 Coronavirus quarantine has been spent in a group house in Seattle, WA, watching bamboo grow and cooking a different meal every night for a year.

Satdeep Gill is a Program Officer under the Community Programs team within the Wikimedia Foundation. In his role, Satdeep connects cultural institutions, including museums, archives, and libraries, with Wikimedia projects to further expand access to free knowledge globally. His work specifically focuses on leveraging Wikisource (Wikimedia’s free digital ebook library) to grow content in underrepresented languages online and connect cultural institutions to the Wikisource infrastructure to share their collections online. Satdeep is a longtime volunteer editor, contributing primarily to Punjabi Wikipedia and Punjabi Wikisource. He began working at the Wikimedia Foundation in 2017.

Isaac Johnson is a research scientist with the Wikimedia Foundation. He has been conducting research on geographic inequities in digital knowledge since 2014 with a specific focus on Wikipedia and its sister projects since 2018. Through his work, he seeks to understand the barriers that marginalized communities face in securing representation online, build tools that demonstrate these challenges, and design interventions to ensure that they are not replicated via algorithmic systems.