Articles of DAAS

(Approved on Sept. 23, 1988. Revised Aug. 22, 2016 )


1. The name of the Association is the Danish Association for American Studies. It is a national branch of the Nordic Association for American Studies.


2. The purpose of the Association is to encourage the study of the United States in Denmark.

As means to this end the Association may concern itself with the holding of lectures, conferences and courses, the publication of a periodical and a newsletter, and the investigation and encouragement of the means of travel for members of the Association from Denmark to and in the United States and within Scandinavia.


3. Membership of the Association is open to teachers, researchers, and other individuals concerned with American studies who have paid membership dues to the Nordic Association for American Studies (NAAS).


4. The assembly consists of all members of the Danish Association for American Studies who have been duly registered as members by the Executive Board.


5. The executive business of the Association is dispatched by a board which is known as the Executive Board.


6. The Board consists of at least three members, with one of the members being elected President by the General Meeting.

All members are elected at each biennial General Meeting of the Association to hold office for a term of two years.

If a vacancy arises through the resignation of death of a member of the Board before the expiration of the term, the Executive Board fills the vacancy from among the members.

The editors of the NAAS periodical, if not a member of the Board, have the right to be present at the board meetings but without the right to vote.


7. There are a President of the Association, a Vice-President, and a Treasurer, who keeps accounts.

The President is elected at the General Meetings of the Association to serve until the next General Meeting but always at least two years.

The President of the Danish Association for American Studies is automatically the Association’s candidate to the Board of the Nordic Association for American Studies.

On completion of their terms of office, the President and the Board members, at the General Meeting, vacate their places.

General Meetings:

8. General Meetings of the Association are held in the fall every two years at such times as the Board determines.

An extraordinary General Meeting may be convened at not less than six weeks’ notice at the request of the majority of the full Board or a majority of the members.

All registered members of the Association have the right to vote at General Meetings.

The President of the Board, or in his/her absence, the Vice-President of the Board, presides at all sessions of the General Meeting.

Any matter before the Meeting is adopted by a simple majority of the votes given thereon.

In case of a tie, the President casts the deciding vote.


9. Nominations can be made by the Executive Board or from the floor during the elections at the General Meeting.


10. These articles may be amended by a majority vote of the General Meeting, due notice (at least three weeks) of the proposed amendment having been given to all members in advance.