About Lessons

What are lessons?

Lessons can be anything you want it to be. 

What kind of lessons do you teach?

I teach Violin, Viola, & Cello. I teach all ages!

Violin - Beginning, Intermediate, & Advanced

Viola - Beginning & Intermediate Levels

Cello - Beginning & Intermediate Levels

How much do lessons cost?

30 Minute Lessons - $30

45 Minute Lessons - $45

60 Minute Lessons - $60

Where are the lessons at?

Depends on the student. 

1. At the Students School - If Alyssa teaches at the students school she can teach a lesson before or after school during the school year/week.

2. In Pendleton at her home studio 

3. At the students home - If the first two options don't work then we can work it out where Alyssa comes to your home and teaches there. ** If the lesson is at the students house there will be a travel fee added*

How long of a lesson is right for me?

30 Minute Lessons ($30)- Great for beginners or intermediate players.

45 Minute Lessons ($45) - Great for Intermediate, Advanced players, or students not involved in an orchestra program.

1 Hour Lessons ($60)- Great for Advanced players or students not involved in an orchestra program.

Just to give you an Idea:

Beginning - Just starting out to playing for about a year or so.

Intermediate - Played for more than a year  to Played a few years.

Advanced - Played more than 4 years