Other opportunities

Have a great opportunity in CZ science? A way of building community? Let us know.

WE HAVE TRAVEL GRANTS! Are you interested in critical zone science *and* diversity, inclusion, access, and equity issues? If so, we've got travel grants (good for online meetings too) to support scientists building bridges in these worlds. More details and the application are here.

Interested in learning more about the critical zone? Check out the sustainability webinars put on by the CZ National Office in the spring/summer of 2020 or the 2017 cyberseminar series from the National Office about the CZ and society.

Current opportunities

AGU is are pleased to announce that AGU will offer no-cost registration to 100 AGU members who are members of an Indigenous Community anywhere in the world. The last day to submit your application is 3 August 2022. Each application will be reviewed, and notifications will be sent via email. Membership in an Indigenous community should be understood as a sovereign right established both through self-determination and community acceptance.

APPLY FOR REDUCED REGISTRATION FEE. More information at https://www.agu.org/Fall-Meeting/Pages/Attend/Register

Research Experiences

Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE): four weeks in June-July, with applications due in March of each year

GNOMES Field Camp at Rutgers University, a two-week program in May, with applications due March of each year

Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (SOARS) for undergraduates at the National Center for Atmospheric Research

Undergraduate research experiences at University of Colorado-Boulder (but open broadly): Summer Multicultural Access to Research Training (SMART) program and Research Experience for Community College Students (RECCS)


The National Center for Atmospheric Research provides a free online class guiding you through the theory of the Community Earth Systems Model, and then provides four practicals so you can try modeling yourself! There's also an in-person tutorial twice a year.

Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) has cyberseminars, student fellowships, travel training grants, training workshops, and more!)

Safe Zone Trainings for LGBTQ+ awareness and ally training


Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI)'s HydroShare


The International Association of Geoscience Diversity's Annual Accessible Field Trips

STudent/postdoc Funding and Fellowships

Research positions within interdisciplinary Tribal-University of Minnesota partnership focused on protecting wild rice

Helpful listserves

Es_jobs_net : The Earth Sciences Job Email list is sponsored by the Earth Science Women's Network (ESWN). Earth science jobs and opportunities, including grad school opportunities and internships, at all levels, are posted to this list.

Past Opportunities

GeoAllies are providing $2,000 minimum grants to fund class or research field trips, with a commitment to fully participate in our study (which will be completed entirely virtually/remotely, and should take no more than 4-6 hours of full time commitment). The goal of the study is to improve recruitment and retention of underrepresented students in geoscience courses and field trips, and our design should provide direct instruction about how to contribute to these goals. Applications opened January 15, 2021.

AGI Scholarship for Advancing Diversity in the Geoscience Profession: $5000 to support BIPOC students, due 2/21/21

Upcoming AGU Workshop on “Toward an International Critical Zone Network-of-Networks for the Next Generation through Shared Science, Tools, Data and Philosophy”. The workshop will be held virtually on Monday, December 14th, 2020.

The workshop is intended to advance modes of collaboration across critical zone (CZ) networks, providing a foundation to do together what would be impossible to do alone. This 1-day workshop will offer a mix of keynote lectures and breakout sessions and is designed to stimulate the community to formulate ideas for collaborating across networks. In addition, the workshop is a place to network and engage with early career scientists, program directors and established scientists from around the world. More info on the workshop can be found here, including a link to register for the workshop.

To help shape this workshop, we are also hosting several webinar-based discussions prior to the actual workshop. The first webinar will be held Friday, October 30th, 2020 8-9 am Pacific. This webinar will provide an overview of the newly formed NSF critical zone network. Confirmed speakers include Jerad Bales (CUAHSI Coordinating hub) and Jill Baron (Powell Center). Registration for the webinar can be done using this link.

Scientist Spotlight! Interested in you and your work being in a new open educational resource for community colleges? The OER Geology group needs photos of people doing great things in the field. Sign up at this link.

The 2021 AAAS-IUSE blog is dedicated to exploring strategies that empower faculty to create systemic change that improves diversity, equity, and inclusion at institutions of higher education and supports students from underrepresented and underserved communities to participate and succeed in STEM. Posts reviewing research or case studies focusing on strategies that improve equity within STEM education are of interest. If you have an idea for a blog post, please submit your proposed idea. Deadline for proposals is December 13, 2020.

The 2020 SACNAS - National Diversity in STEM Conference will take place (tentatively) in Long Beach, CA from October 22-24, 2020. As the largest multidisciplinary and multicultural STEM diversity event in the country, the SACNAS conference is a three-day gathering which serves to equip, empower, and energize participants for their academic and professional paths in STEM.

Travel scholarship applications are open for undergraduate and graduate students. Final deadline July 10 at 5pm PT! The following groups are eligible to apply for a travel scholarship: (1) undergraduate students interested in pursuing a STEM MS or PhD, (2) MS students interested in pursuing a STEM PhD, (3) STEM PhD students.

UC San Diego - CREATE, STEM Community Outreach & Engagement's Summer STEM Series: Supporting Academic & Professional Growth which will provide various sessions/panels covering a multitude of topics such as Navigating Transitions (from community college/high school to the university, undergrad to graduate, school to work), Diversity in Science, Social Consciousness in STEM, the Value of Research and a few others. These sessions will be conducted between June 24th and August 26th from 3pm - 4pm (PST) via Zoom. These sessions are open to all, but have a specific focus on community college and university undergraduates in STEM.

NSF's Division of Earth Sciences (EAR) is offering a “Navigating the NSF System” webinar on Thursday, July 9, 2020 from 3:00-4:30PM EDT. Acting Head of the Disciplinary Programs Section and Program Director for Petrology and Geochemistry, Dr. Jennifer Wade, will conduct the session. The session will consist of a presentation by Dr. Wade as well as a Q&A portion. This session is aimed at scientists thinking about applying for NSF funding for the first time. Dr. Wade will discuss the NSF merit review process and criteria. EAR is committed to assuring current and future PIs that NSF embraces direct interaction with program staff – we are accessible and supportive and want them to succeed. In addition, we have also prepared a brief summary of proposal writing tips. Register for this webinar.

Our CZ cybersymposium on June 23-24, 2020

Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) Annual Meeting May 19th - 21st, 2020

Water Hack Week, University of Washington, March 23-27, 2020

NEON Webinar on how to access and work with NEON's data, 27 Feb 2020, 2PM EST

CUAHSI Cyberseminars introducing Critical Zone concepts from February 2020.

International Critical Zone Network-of-Networks: Early Career Workshop, at AGU, Dec 8, 2019