panských : adjective manorial

pěšák : noun though “pěšák” means a “foot soldier” here it means only person who fulfills “pěší robota”. There were generally 2 types of robota - “potažní robota”: robota with horses or oxen (usually transport or ploughing); or “pěší robota”: normal robota, manual work with someone who came. The word “pěšák” is derived from “pěší.” Here the farmer has more options how to fulfill his robota obligations.

pivo : noun beer

plácek : noun little place

platiti povinnen jest a bude : boilerplate [he] will and is obliged to [do something, usually pay]

plnomocenství : noun full title, full authority

poddatky : daně, noun taxes

postoupovati : postupovat, verb transfer

posutkách : posudky, soudy, noun courts

potah : noun, team, yoke, animals pulling a wagon

Povinnosti : noun obligations

přáde : příze, noun yarn

právo umírající : právo odumrtě, odumrt', noun escheat


příslušenství : adjective including outbuildings, everything which was part of the farm and was not the personal belongings of the farmer or other people previously living there

prvotně : adverb initially