A few things to consider in using UAS in a tribal context:
Talk to your PO well in advance and make sure you integrate your request for funding a UAS into your work plan in a way that makes sense. A UAS program is about more than buying a drone, and will require a longterm plan for use and maintenance within EPA and FAA regulations. You will need to justify developing a UAS program rather than using a contractor or alternative sources of imagery. Consider sharing UAS equipment and pilots between tribal programs and between tribes regionally.
Alternative ways to obtain imagery without buying a drone
Using a UAS in a tribal context is about more than obeying federal, state and municipal laws and regulations, and ensuring proper protections for privacy. In a tribal context you will also have to make sure to do it respectfully. That means understanding when not to photograph an area because of ceremonies, culturally important places, animals, fish, and plants, and that there may be times of the year when it isn't appropriate to photograph a place. This goes beyond the restrictions about not flying over people or not flying over private property or National Parks. You should make sure to talk to the appropriate people when developing a flight plan, including your Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, Tribal Council, cultural committee, and other knowledge holders. When contracting UAS work, it is always better to make sure your contractor has worked in a tribal context and is respectful.
Have a plan for who has access and control of imagery. If you use a contractor, be explicit about how imagery is stored and used in the future.
Consider developing tribal codes for UAS, including by non-tribal hobby pilots. Talk to your tribal legal staff about liability and possible privacy complaints and how the tribe will handle legal challenges that may stem from your use of UAS. Get drone insurance.
Drone Laws for the state of Alaska
State Code 33.398 – Salmon Fishing
In the Southeastern Area, during an open commercial salmon fishing period, UAVs may not be used to locate salmon for commercial fishing or for any activity related to commercial salmon fishing operations.
The Alaska Department of Natural Resources has established a restriction on drones in Chugach State Park. This law prohibits aircraft in Chugach State Park, except for authorized aircraft flying into/out of Bold Airport.