Examples of Projects

Here are some examples of  completed projects.

The film ‘CONTRABAND’ takes us back to 18th century Ceredigion, where brave and daring smugglers challenged the authority of the Crown. The relentless and unforgiving excise officers, patrol the rocky shores and secluded coves, determined to stamp out the smuggling. 

Despite their efforts, John White known locally as ‘Sion Cwilt’ remains a mysterious and elusive figure, always one step ahead, with his exploits growing more legendary with each passing night.


Fflim gan Grŵp Gweithredu dros yr Hinsawdd Sir Gâr  wrth ymateb i ‘Ddiwygio Gwastraff 24’ 

Mae'n tynnu sylw at y Deddfau Ailgylchu Newydd i Gymru a ddaw i rym o fis Ebrill 2024.

This film was created by:- Carmarthenshire Climate Action Group in response to 'WASTE REFORM 24'.

It highlights the New Recycling Laws for WALES which come into force from April 2024.

A film that raises awareness and underlines the importance of being bilingual and speaking Welsh.

Produced by the pupils of  Ysgol Y Dderi in partnership with  CYNNYDD DIGIDOL. 

Ffilm sy'n codi ymwybyddiaeth ac yn  tanlinellu pwysigrwydd creu 'Arferion Iach' er mwyn gofalu am y corff a'r meddwl.

Produced by the pupils of  Ysgol Y Dderi in partnership with  CYNNYDD DIGIDOL. 

Radio Bancyfelin

A radio programme about the importance of keeping safe online.

Radio Cei Newydd

A radio programme about the importance of keeping safe online.

Radio Carreg Hirfaen

A radio programme about the importance of keeping safe online.

Radio Rhys Prichard

A radio programme about the importance of keeping safe online.