Tapering Cymbalta

Have you ever been prescribed a course of antidepressants such as Cymbalta? If so, you should be aware that it is a potent medication. As such, there are correct ways to consume and also stop it. Consume as per doctor's prescription. But when it comes to stopping, you should be aware of tapering. Here we will discuss what tapering is and what happens if you don't follow it.

What is Cymbalta? Uses and associated risks

Cymbalta is the brand name under which the drug Duloxetine is sold. Cymbalta falls under the serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI). This drug works by balancing the natural substances in the brain, such as serotonin and norepinephrine.

Cymbalta helps with achieving a generally happy mood, an increase in appetite, and even better sleep. Hence this drug is widely used in treating anxiety and depression.

Cymbalta is not an over the counter medicine. This means this should be taken only when it is prescribed by your doctor. The reason is drugs such as antidepressants have risks associated with them. These risks are a result of abrupt discontinuation or improper dosages.

The risks associated with stopping the drug all of a sudden vary from individual to individual. Some experience fits of depression, upset stomach, irritability, nausea, nightmare, and headaches. All these symptoms are a result of discontinuing Cymbalta without proper tapering.

What is tapering?

Tapering, in a nutshell, means to slowly reduce the dose of medicine over time. This practice is very common with antidepressants such as Cymbalta. Cymbalta taper will help you avoid, if not all, many of the side effects.

Tapering is usually done with antidepressants because patients develop a discontinuation syndrome. The syndrome varies from person to person. Patients with a long history of consuming Cymbalta will show more fits.

Some people will experience only a few symptoms, while others may experience the opposite. To avoid these uncomfortable side effects, usually, doctors advise their patients to practice tapering. Tapering has yielded great results in many patients.

Some guidelines for tapering.

There are no set rules for tapering Cymbalta. This is why you will need to rely on your doctor's best judgment. Several factors will be needed to take into consideration. To decide the schedule for your tapering factors like- how long you've been on the course and the dose of the drug you were taking will be crucial.

But for effective tapering, here are some general pointers.

  • Consult your doctor at all times. Don't make decisions on your own.

  • Start taking smaller and smaller doses of the antidepressant. Don't stop abruptly.

  • Learn the side effects of your medicine.

  • Sometime, you may need to resume your medication and taper more slowly.

  • Chart or map out a discontinuation plan.

How to taper Cymbalta? The Micro-taper.

We now know what tapering is. We also know why we must consider tapering. Cymbalta, which is an antidepressant, may prove fatal if stopped immediately. Hence this drug should also be tapered. But many people are unaware of how to taper Cymbalta. Here is one way you can start tapering Cymbalta.

One method proven effective in tapering Cymbalta is bead counting. This method is common with antidepressants—especially Cymbalta, which comes in a capsule containing beads. The beads determine the dosage. The more the beads, the stronger the dose.

Tapering means lowering the dose. This has to be done each day gradually. With Cymbalta, using the bead counting technique, you can open the Cymbalta capsule. Remove a few beads every day. If on day one you removed two beads, follow this for a few days. After a few days, remove even more beads and continue this dose. Keep removing little by little over time.

If at any time you experience side effects while lowering the dose, consult your doctor. You might need to taper slower. Bead counting is a slow process, but the results are great. Just make sure to remember how many beads you removed and follow up systematically.

Keep in mind as the dose starts lowering more and more, you might experience withdrawal. But this is normal. The last few beads are the most difficult. If symptoms get too out of control, just hold that dosage for a while until you think you're ready to lower again.


Tapering is an essential step in recovery. If you miss this step, you might relapse or get even worse. Antidepressants are strong drugs. They come with many side effects if not administered and consumed properly. This is why drugs like Cymbalta need to be tapered.

Remember to taper slowly and always consult your doctor first. When using the micro-taper to taper, start by removing only a few beads. Don't try to be hasty in tapering. Weaning off is a slow process but a crucial step to achieve your goal to live without medication.