How long does Cymbalta withdrawal last?

Cymbalta is a brand under which a particular drug, Duloxetine, is sold. It is a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI). This medicine is prescribed to treat nerve pain, depression, anxiety, etc.

Patients under this medication should be monitored closely as just like other antidepressants, Cymbalta may also trigger mood changes and even suicidal thoughts in patients under the age of 24.

Sudden withdrawal of Cymbalta can result in serious consequences, even life-threatening. Thus, if you or your loved ones are prescribed under this medication, it is a smart move on your part to be well-informed about the side effects of Cymbalta withdrawal and be prepared.

Side Effects of Cymbalta Withdrawal

Cymbalta withdrawal symptoms and side effects may vary from person to person. Side effects of Cymbalta withdrawal depend on whether the drug has been taken as directed, under a legitimate prescription, or has been abused. Other factors that can influence the intensity of Cymbalta Withdrawal side effects include:

  • How long the drug was administered

  • Dosage of Cymbalta

  • Use of other drugs while taking Cymbalta

  • Biological and Environmental aspects, such as stress, metabolism, etc.

The more a patient is dependent on Cymbalta, the more severe the side effects will be. Side effects of Cymbalta can be as common as headache, dry mouth or nausea to as severe as seizures, blood pressure problems, panic attacks, etc.

When a patient withdraws from Cymbalta, some sort of chemical imbalance is created. Thus, this chemical imbalance results in various symptoms and side effects. Serotonin and norepinephrine levels will drop gradually without Cymbalta. This can affect a person’s physical as well as emotional well-being.

Some of the side effects of Cymbalta Withdrawal include:

  • Nausea

  • Dizziness

  • Headache

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Seizures

  • Insomnia

  • Fatigue and Weakness

  • Increased Sweating

  • Nightmares

  • Anxiety

  • Vertigo

As compared to other antidepressants, more withdrawal symptoms were reported in association with Cymbalta. In fact, in a certain study made by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices came up with a data of 888 reports of Cymbalta withdrawal events in 2016. This was by far the most reported cases for any antidepressant withdrawal events.

How long can it last?

As said earlier, signs of Cymbalta withdrawal vary from person to person, depending on several factors. Thus, how long does Cymbalta withdrawal last will also differ from one patient to another.

Cymbalta has a half-life of around twelve hours, making it a long-acting drug. Thus, Cymbalta withdrawal symptoms usually begin about 24 hours after the previous dose of the drug.

Even if a patient consumes Cymbalta under the exact prescription, their brain gets used to the effects of the drug is taken for an extended period of time. Once the brain gets used to the drug and forms dependence, withdrawal symptoms are bound to set in once the effect of the drug vanishes.

Withdrawal symptoms can be either emotional or physical. The physical withdrawal symptoms will usually be intense for the first two to three days. Then, the symptoms start to taper off over the week. On the other hand, emotional symptoms of Cymbalta are longer than physical symptoms and can last for a few weeks or even months. However, both physical and emotional Cymbalta symptoms will lessen over time.


Cymbalta withdrawal phase can be one of the biggest challenges for patients who were under the medication for a long period. However, with the right guidance and medical help, patients can follow proper Cymbalta withdrawal procedures (Cymbalta tapering) and help ease the process.

Instead of abrupt withdrawal of Cymbalta, it is best recommended to slowly wean off the drug. This is the best way to deal with Cymbalta withdrawal symptoms.