Black Seed Oil and Anxiety

Benefits of Black Seed Oil for Anxiety

There has been a lot of studies and research on the effects and benefits of Black Seed Oil. One such study is whether black seed oil can treat anxiety or depression. The benefits of black seed oil for anxiety are not clear yet and still need further clinical research. However, there are some positive results on the matter which one cannot ignore.

In this article, we'll discuss everything about black seed oil in relation to anxiety. If you want to find out more about this traditional medicinal plant, read on.

Black Seed Oil Overview:

Black seed refers to the seeds extracted from the shrubs of a plant called Nigella Sativa. Thus, black seed oil is simply the oil pressed out from the black seeds of Nigella Sativa. Nigella Sativa is commonly known as black seed, black cumin, dark cumin or black caraway. However, remember, even though it is known as cumin, these are completely different from the regular cumin you use for adding flavors to your dishes.

The use of Black Seed as a medicinal remedy has been around since olden times. People use it to treat different ailments, such as high blood pressure, conjunctivitis, asthma, diarrhea, cholesterol, etc. Due to the presence of Thymoquinone, Black Seed has also been used to treat certain nervous system conditions like anxiety, epilepsy, depression, memory impairment, etc.

Black seed oil has antioxidant, spasmolytic, antihypertensive, analgesics, and calming properties. Thus, it may also aid in tapering antidepressants.

Black Seed Oil and Anxiety:

Black Seed Oil contains a particular component called Thymoquinone. This component works as an opioid receptor stimulating compound. Black Seed Oil also works on the brain by increasing serotonin levels. This is a major function of most Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI). Thus, with the proper consumption of black seed oil anxiety may be controlled up to a certain extent.

Although there is insufficient evidence to back up the positive effects of black seed oil on anxiety levels, yet you cannot ignore some promising findings shown by the potent plant. In a specific study, 1 gram of black seed capsules was administered daily to a male volunteer group. After four weeks, 48 volunteers reported improvement in mood and also decreased levels of anxiety.

This particular study on human beings suggests that the effects of black seed oil may show only after a month of consistent consumption. However, while some people reported positive symptoms only after a month, some reported feeling better instantly on their first day of consumption. Thus, how long it takes for black seed oil to work on anxiety varies from one person to another.

Several studies were also done on rats to find out the effects of black seed oil. With regular administration of black seed extract, 36 mice showed decreased levels of anxiety. This was a result of the increased levels of serotonin in their brain. Black seed extract also reduced fatigue, anxiety, and increased thyroid function in some mice. However, we are yet to see such evidence in human beings.

But whatever the case is, the Thymoquinone component in black seed oil works positively on the human brain and body. Thus, people who suffer from depression or anxiety can benefit from the consumption of black seed oil. The anti-anxiety properties of black seed oil may not show up quickly, but many people have reported the effects to be reliable and consistent.

Other Benefits of Black Seed Oil:

Other than showing positive effects in controlling anxiety and other nervous system conditions, black seed oil can also be effectively used for the following:

High Blood Pressure:

In a particular study, taking black seed extract regularly for about two months resulted in reduced high blood pressure.


Black seed oil has some anti-inflammatory properties, which may help in relieving asthma symptoms. Also, the presence of Thymoquinone black seed reduces inflammation and can relax muscles in the airway. This helps in treating asthma.

Weight Loss:

Black seed oil can reduce the body mass index in human beings, thus, controlling weight. However, the exact cause behind this remains unknown. In a study, some women from the age range of 25-50 with obesity were administered 3 grams of black seed oil per day (1 gram after each meal). After a period of eight weeks, women who consistently consumed the black seed oil showed significant weight loss results than women who didn't.

Though this study showed positive results, we need more evidence to determine the effects of black seed oil on weight loss.

Great for your skin and hair:

Other than medical benefits, black seed oil also has some beauty benefits. Topical application of black seed oil can help treat acne, dry skin, eczema, and psoriasis. Black seed oil may also reduce hair fall and promote hair growth.


Black seed oil is one of the most potent therapeutic plants. People have been using it since ancient days for treating various diseases. Thus, we can say that black seed oil does have certain positive effects on human health.

However, since there are no general safety measures for the dosage of black seed oil, you should always consult a doctor before consuming black seed extract or supplements.