The team focus on developing human pluripotent stem (hiPSC) derived cardiac/smooth muscle microtissues model integrated in the microsystems for biomedical/biomimetic applications. Dr. Huang for biomechanical and electrophysiology studies. She is now an assistant professor of MLSB, NCKU and a visiting scientist of PHA, JHU and started her international collaborative projects with Johns Hopkins University and Johns Hopkins Hospital and pilot project supported by the Einstein Program, MOST, Taiwan.

Prof. Daniel Reich from PHA, JHU (left), Chen-Yu Huang (Middle), Dr. Gordon F. Tomaselli from Albert Einstein College of Medicine (right)

News and activities


2022.01.28 恭喜黃舒詵同學推甄台大研究所

2022.01.28 恭喜黃舒詵同學醫學院110年學生暑期研究獲醫學科研組優秀獎

2022.09.27 黃珍語老師受邀細胞治療新知講座,Talk: hiPSC-Derived cardiac tissue for disease modeling (Thermofisher Gibco 60)

222.07.13-2022.08.27 Prof. Chen Yu Huang visit Johns Hopkins University to do international collaborative project 黃珍語老師前往美國巴爾的摩,約翰霍普金斯大學與馬里蘭大學醫學院

2022.01.28 恭喜黃舒詵同學醫學院110年學生暑期研究獲醫學科研組優秀獎

2021.10. 18–22 ThermoFisher 5 Days of Stem Cells Virtual Event ( Prof. Chen Yu Huang is one of the speaker)

2021.07.09-2021.08.31 Prof. Chen Yu Huang visit Johns Hopkins University to do international collaborative project

2021.08 歡迎實驗室碩一新生李慈嫣與陳奕文!

2021.07.01 恭喜金銘揚同學通過大專生科技部計畫

與醫工系涂庭源(TU Ting-Yuan)老師共同指導

2021.05.25 恭喜實驗室大專生通過醫學院2021年暑期大專生培育計畫


2021.04.23 Friday, Invited talk: iMED@NCKUH 專注 X 跨領域的和諧

2021.04.14 Wednesday, Invited talk:清大醫工所清華實驗室大樓 R826-1


Prof. Huang awarded 3rd place in NCKU Medical College Teaching Innovativeness/demonstration Award 成大醫學院 109學年度教學創新與教學成果發表 個人成果發表組第三名

2020.12.12 13:50-14:40 Session Speech II, Track A ISOMRM 2020moderator,2020.12.13,15:10-15:35 Session Speech 4 Track A

2020.11.17 Tuesday, Invited talk: 傷口中心 地點:Conference Room I (4F), Medical College

Topic: Maturation strategies for iPSC cardiac 3D tissues and phenotypic correction of calmodulinopathy disease models using CRISPRi

Prof. Chenyu Huang joined PLOS ONE Editorial Board as an Academic Editor!

PLOS ONE Sections: Biotechnology - Bioengineering, Biophysics

Prof. Chenyu Huang joined Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology!

Session: Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

Prof. Chenyu Huang is now a member of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society