Jbrownllama Repo

Repos, which are also known as repositories are like add-on packages for Cydia that bring extra apps and tweaks. It may include simple apps that are able to change your font to mods that offer you complete root access to your iDevice’s deepest workings. The latest released Cydia brings various repos in different names and different functionalities. Jbrownllama Repo is one of the most trending repos from them all. So in this article, we intend to write down all you need to know about this famous Jbrownllama Repo and other famous Cydia repos.

What is Jbrownllama Repo?

Jbrownllama is a Cydia repo that is compatible with all iOS 11 and iOS 12 supported devices. It can add depth control to iPhone 7+, iPhone 8+, and iPhone X. In addition to that, it offers you many useful camera features such as Portrait Lighting for the iPhone 7+, Live Photos for unsupported devices, etc. You can find all the features given to Jbrownllama Repo, from the following list.

Features of Jbrownllama Repo

  • Disable Portrait Mode

  • Disable Live Photos

  • Portrait Lighting for the iPhone 7+

  • Disable Photos Thumbnail

  • Live Photos for unsupported iDevices

  • Disable Square Mode

  • Clean Shutter Button

  • Hide Photos Thumbnail (gray box as a replacement)

  • Rear Camera as Default

  • Haptic Feedback

What’s New in Jbrownllama Repo?

This licensed free package was last updated on February 23, 2021. And you can find the following as the newly updated features.

  • It has been added with depth control for iP7+, iP8+, and iPX (iOS 12 ONLY)

  • A bug has been fixed where turning on and option in preferences would disable that option.

How to Install Jbrownllama Repo

To get started to install these amazing Cydia repos, you must open the installed Cydia app from your device and tap on “Sources” from the bottom of the screen. Tap on “Edit” from the Sources page upper-right corner, and then select “Add” on the following screen.

Next, you must enter the URL of the Jbrownllama Repo, then tap on “Add Source” from the pop-up. Then the repo will proceed with the installation. You must wait until the installation is completed. On the bottom of the screen, you will see a button named “Return to Cydia” after the repo is successfully installed on the device. Tap on that button to go back to the “Sources” page.

Once you are done installing the Jbrownllama Repo, you can tap on it to browse through its folders to discover the tweaks you want to install on your device. Or you can simply perform a search by tapping on the “Search” button, which is in the lower-right corner of your device screen.

Other Famous Cydia Jailbreak Repos to Install on iDevices

There are many jailbreak repos that you can install on your iDevice after jailbreaking and installing Cydia on it. Here are some of them:

  • Packix

  • Kritanta

  • Daus

  • Skitty

  • SparkDev

  • JBrown

  • 4nni3

Foundation to Download Jbrownllama Repo and Other Cydia Repos

To install a Cydia repo on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, you must first jailbreak and install Cydia on the device. So first of all, you must choose a compatible jailbreak app for your iOS version running on the device. You can use CydiaFree jailbreak app on your device to jailbreak and install Cydia on any iOS version running iDevice model. After jailbreaking and installing Cydia, you will be able to download any Cydia repo you like, including the famous Jbrownllama Repo.