Cydia Installer iOS 14 is Getting Ready to Be Out!

Every smart device user likes to install specially featured third-party apps on their devices. And if you are an iDevice user, you probably are interested in installing Cydia Free on your device as it is the best third-party iOS app store. Usually, Cydia fans download Cydia whenever they updated to a new iOS update. And since iOS 14 is the latest upcoming iOS update, we came here with a complete article of the latest Cydia Installer iOS 14 updates, hoping you are interested in learning about that.

Brief Introduction to Cydia Jailbreak

Cydia is a third-party iOS app store that comes for jailbroken iDevices. If you are curious about what is this jailbreak, it is the process of accessing iOS system files and taking the full control of iDevices. You can completely turn your iDevice upside down if the device is jailbroken. To given the best-featured apps and tweaks for jailbroken iDevices, it comes bundled with the Cydia Free app store. And this Cydia app store offers amazingly featured third-party apps, tweaks, add-ons, extensions, themes, and games for all iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches.

Current State of Jailbreak iOS 14

Since you need the assistance of Jailbreak iOS 14 to download Cydia Installer iOS 14, let’s focus on what is the current state of jailbreak for iOS 14. Apple has already released several betas of iOS 14 to public developers. So, many jailbreak developers have already started working on iOS 14 jailbreak, and some of them have even reached the Jailbreak iOS 14 beta. So the state of getting Cydia Jailbreak for iOS 14 is currently in an interesting state.

Possibility to download Cydia iOS 14

Cydia is the best third-party app store that was developed by the famous developer Jay Freeman Saurik. He continuously updated Cydia for upper versions, adding compatibility for later iOS versions. But then he was unable to update Cydia for some time. And lucky for the members in the jailbreak community, Saurik has again come to an active state and released his latest Cydia substrate version 0.9.7105 for iOS 14 devices. Therefore, it is confirmed that Cydia Installer iOS 14 is on the way, hoping to be released very soon.

Jailbreak iOS 14 Apps to Count on getting Cydia Installer iOS 14

Now that you already know Cydia iOS 14 is currently on the way, let’s focus on what are the possible jailbreak apps that can install Cydia Download iOS 14. When focusing on the recently released jailbreak apps, not all of them came bundled with the Cydia package manager. Some came with other jailbreak app stores like Sileo, CydiaFree, etc. But both Checkra1n and Unc0ver jailbreak apps came with the Cydia package manager, though even they couldn’t install Cydia on A12-A13 devices.

Checkra1n is a hardware-based jailbreak app that works on all A5-A11 chipset based devices. It is currently available for iOS 12.3 - iOS 13.6 jailbreaking and it supports Mac computers. The Unc0ver jailbreak app is a semi-untethered jailbreak app that is compatible to jailbreak many iOS 11, iOS 12, and iOS 13 updates. Since both these jailbreak apps released for many previous iOS updates, there is a big hope that both these jailbreak apps will be able to Jailbreak iOS 14 and install Cydia iOS 14. And the good news, the Checkra1n jailbreak app has even achieved Jailbreak iOS 14 beta, making its future release possible.

About CydiaFree Jailbreak iOS 14 App Store

CydiaFree is not a jailbreak app that comes with the Cydia installer. It is a semi-jailbreak tool that comes with a specialized jailbreak app store for all iDevices. The CydiaFree jailbreak app store brings amazingly featured third-party apps, tweaks, including the latest released Cydia tweaks. You can install this CydiaFree jailbreak app store with just a one click and enjoy the amazing features its tweaks on your device. The compatibility range of the CydiaFree app store starts from iOS 12. It supports all iOS 12/+ devices based on all A5-A13 chipset based devices. Therefore, the people who are using A12-A13 devices especially incline to use CydiaFree as they cannot install Cydia on their devices.

How to Install CydiaFree Jailbreak iOS 14 App Store on iDevices

  1. Tap on the link given in the first paragraph to visit the CydiaFree official website.

  2. Tap on the Cydia Download iOS 14 option from the top of the page to go the semi-jailbreak iOS 14 web page.

  3. Follow the given instructions on the screen and complete installing the CydiaFree jailbreak app store on your iOS 14 device. (Please make sure to follow all the asked steps on the screen and complete the membership).

  4. Eventually, the CydiaFree app store will be installed and you will see its app icon on the Home screen of your device.

Important! Please note that this method is only valid when the iOS 14 is released for public use.