Hello to all! This website will no longer be updated. I am in the process of moving everything over to
I am still active but I needed a new website as FB decided this one was spam and wouldn't let me post any links. Go ahead and jump over there for updated materials and to sign up for my newsletter and when I post items on TPT!
Hi everyone and welcome to my page! This website is hosted in google sites so you probably see a crazy web address that starts with Remember that you can always get back here by going to! And I would love it if you joined my FB group: or subscibe to my YouTube channel!
I am an Indiana Spanish teacher in love with all things CI. I do teach grammar but I like to teach it at the end of the chapter; after we've done the fun stuff like read, movietalk, picturetalk, games, and conversations (I've never been good at story-telling so I don't do it!) I am a huge fan of Martina Bex and Senor Wooly (I have a cameo in his video "Se Chevere!")
I created this webpage because I have the attention span of a goldfish and I was making videos and saving articles to come back to later and then could never find them, or forgot about them. Below is my current self-improvement focus (probably several!) I am a bit of a magpie so if you see your material posted here and I didn't credit you, or I did credit you but you don't want it here, please drop me an email.