
In my opinion, assisted suicide should be legal in all states and countries worldwide. It is the most humane, and most straight forward way to deal with it. If a patient has less than 6 months to live and chooses to end their life, it should not be a crime for helping them out. Assisted suicide is gaining more national and worldwide attention, and more support groups are forming in favor of assisted suicide. With Hawaii becoming the ninth U.S. state to legalize the practice of assisted suicide, Hawaii will lead as an example to other states that this is humane and should be legal. The future of assisted suicide is very prominent and this a turning point in the right direction. Although for the states and countries that legalized assisted suicide, they have different requirements in order to perform the task. I believe it should be the same universal requirements as followed: If a patient have 6 or less months to live and they wish to die peacefully, then the patient must commit a written and oral confirmation 10 days apart. This should be the universal requirement for every state/country. In conclusion, assisted suicide is very humane and the right thing to do, opposition who says it is "murder" think about being in the position of a depressed, sick, and unmotivated, unpassionate hospital patient with less than 6 months to live, and having to wait your death because it is considered murder. It sounds terrible so they should be able to end their life peacefully without suffering the pain.