Call for Papers

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: 22nd March 2024 (11:59pm AOE) 

Supplementary material deadline: 24th March 2024 (11:59pm AOE) 

Notification to authors: 5th April 2024

Camera-ready deadline: 12th April 2024 (11:59pm AOE)

Topics Covered

The MetaFood workshop papers will encompass a diverse array of computer vision topics related to food, including but not limited to:
• Food image/video generation and Generative AI
• Food video analysis and action recognition
• Food 3D model reconstruction
• Food portion/nutrition value estimation
• Food manipulation understanding
• Food image quality analysis/inspection
• Eating and cooking action recognition
• Multi-modal food data analysis
• Food ontologies and LLM-based models for food data analysis
• Visual question answering for food
• Food data analysis and uncertainty modeling
• Learning with noisy food labels
• Continual, self-supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised learning for food
• Food classification/detection/segmentation in 2D/3D

Submission Guidelines

Presentation Guidelines

Each oral presentation is scheduled for 20 minutes duration including 15 minutes of presentations and 5 minutes Q&A

For accepted posters, we highly encourage the presenters to prepare a 5-minute overview of their work. This brief presentation will be delivered during the poster session of the workshop, allowing the presenters to effectively introduce their research to attendees who visit their poster.