Teaching philosophy

In recent years, I have aligned my teaching philosophy towards the MBF method. The term "MBF" stands for MOOC-based flipped classroom, and therefore defines a teaching methodology that implements and blended flipped classroom strategy using MOOCs. It is clear that both MOOCS and the flipped classroom strategies are not new inventions since they have been around for decades. However, the MBF method refers to a specific way in which this integration between flipped classroom and blended learning should take place for in-person education. Specifically, in order to be able to successfully adopt the MBF method for teaching, the course design must follow three main principles summarized as follows:

I advocate for the adoption of the MBF method for improving engineering education practices in the post-pandemic era. In addition to the MBF model, MOOCs have been blended into on-campus courses using different strategies, such as wrapper-based blending or repository-based blending. However, the MBF model shows the highest potential for a sucessfull hybrid experience in on-campus, traditional engineering courses [1].
