
OpenBreast: Software for Computerized Analysis of Mammography images

OpenBreast is a Matlab-based open software for the computerized, automatic analysis of mammography images for breast cancer risk assessment. This software has been developed by Universidad Industrial de Santander in cooperation with Tampere University of Technology, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Tampere University Hospital and is maintained by Universidad Industrial de Santander. OpenBreast is publicly available and distributed under the modified BSD license. OpenBreast has been publicly released in [1]. Below you can find the software manual and source code below.


[1] S. Pertuz, G. F. Torres, R. Tamimi, J. Kamarainen, Open Framework for Mammography-based Breast Cancer Risk Assessment, IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (accepted), 2019. [pdf] [Supplement]