In most iOS apps (using iPhone in my case) I can usually copy an image to the clipboard and then paste it into the relevant app. In Asana I have to first save this image in my Photos (or files) and then go to the Asana app and select the image from Photos.

When working on tickets you can not copy/paste photos into the comments or description. This makes closing tickets take much longer because you have to save every file locally and upload. This loses context of why the photo was uploaded, etc. Many other PM programs allow copy/paste (Asana to name one) and having this functionality would make air table much better.

Cut Paste Photos

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Copy and paste an attachment into an attachments field, then open the attachment to grab the URL, and finally highlight text in any rich text enabled long-text field to paste the attachment URL as a link. This is how you can reference attachments in text.

Thanks @Stephen_Orr1 ! I didn't realize paste worked in there because when you click the box it goes straight to folder explorer. That will be super helpful since then at least I won't have to save all my screenshots, etc.

I cannot copy and paste camera uploads into a picture file on my computer. I used to take my camera uploads and put them in picture files to save space on my iPhone and organize my photos. Now, I cannot copy multiple pictures and paste them, there is no option. They only allow me to move them into a different Dropbox file.

When I use drop box on my desktop. (Windows 10). Up until recently, (before they the changes), I could go into my camera uploads, could copy one or multiple photos and then just paste them into a picture file or any location on my computer. Now there is no option or ability to cut, copy, and paste the photos in the camera uploads and simply cut and paste them. It only allows certain commands when you click the photo, like move, but only to another drop box file location. It makes no sense, it always was able to do this, as drop box will not allow this and is blocking you from doing this. It is a waste since I cannot store and organize my camera uploads in separate picture files as I have always used. Maybe I am missing something, but try to do this with the camera uploads and you can't do this basic command.

Right-clicking on the file produces a drop-down menu, where copy / cut / paste options went missing today - when I right-click on a subdirectory in this very same directory the dropdown menu includes those commands as it always had (also for files) ...

found the 'problem cause & solution' - dropdown menu got too big and copy / cut / paste options were inaccessible on my notebook screen ... using 4K monitor gets me the whole list of menu options ... actually there is a very very small black arrow (hard to see) at the bottom left corner of the dropdown menu, where you can list additional options that are off the screen ...

I used to be able to take my pictures in dropbox camera uploads (set automatically to download from my iPhone) and place them in individual files and store them on my desktop. It was a straightforward way to get my iPhone pictures to my desktop and organize them in individual folders in pictures. This cannot be done, they removed cut, copy, paste commands which removes one big functionality. I determined that if you use file explorer in Windows, you can select camera uploads and use all the functions. Makes no sense to me, but I can at least move the pictures wherever I want.

Can you copy and paste photos into any app at all? This still works for me for me. Hold down on the Photo to get the copy option, select it, open the note, tap on the area in which you want to past and then select paste.

Has anyone ever had the issue of not being able to paste settings from one photo to another within the develop panel in lightroom classic? I have been using this program for years and have never had this bug before. I just purchased a new laptop and was working on some photo edits and had been copying and pasting develop settings to other various photos all day and then all of the sudden I was unable to actually paste the settings in the develop view. If I copy the settings from one photo, then click on the library tab, I can then paste the settings. After doing this if I navigate back to the develop tab I can see that the photo settings have been pasted. I have tried resetting preferences, uninstalling/reinstalling the app, installing older versions of the app, restarting my machine etc. Has anyone ever experienced this that can provide any sort of insight?

In Develop, were you trying to paste to multiple photos in the filmstrip that weren't the current photo? The rules for how LR handles multiple selected photos are confusing and inconsistent. When in Loupe view (single photo showing in Develop or Library), many commands like Paste only work on the most-selected (current) photo.

A workaround is to right-click the selected photos in the filmstrip and do Develop Settings > Paste. (Some people here will suggest Auto-Sync, but I highly recommend staying away from that unless you thoroughly research it and know the risks -- Auto-Sync has ended in tears for many posting here.)

With the most recent upgrade (v 10.3.7) I can no longer select all > copy and paste the content of a note into Word or Outlook. The text renders, but the images do not. They appear at image or picture boxes.

It is ridiculous that this doesn't work. Copy and paste is a basic Windows functionaility and should just work. The only work around I know is to drag the image from EN onto the desktop and then from the desktop into the Word document (or anywhere else). That's OK for the short term but is definitely not a long term solution.

I've just realized I couldn't copy and paste images from a note into Word or InDesign. That's a serious issue that needs to be solved. Please enable this functionality as soon as possible for I guess many people using the app as Premium members need this. Thanks in advance.

What do they mean by this exactly - Its hardly a feature. I mean its a pretty basic computing function to be able to copy and paste something. I like evernote, and would rather not change to something else as I feel it is the best available - but this is ridiculous and has completely broken my workflow. It now takes much longer to get things done - utter nonsensical for them to state that they are considering adding it as a 'feature'.

This seems to be working for me now. Not sure when it changed. I'd kind of given up trying Just tried again with a trial document and all worked as I expected... No post editing to tidy up undertaken. But to stick with the original post, no ability to copy and paste or drag and drop from Evernote into any other program. It all has to go via the file explorer.

Yes text seems to paste ok on 10.8.4... still the bullets are not seen as bullets, but as text. So you must still convert them to a bullet list. This is also the case with number lists. But there is some progress... for sure...

Your insight is appreciated. Please note that 'support' was contacted on January 5, 2021 and there is no resolution. You will see this in the comments of the thread. The basis of this issue is that there is no 'copy and paste' function in the new code. Most users like me feel this is unacceptable. If you have any pull with the architects of the code, please advise that this is a show stopper for many of us.

Since the export to HTML is now available, my workaround would be to export the note to HTML. There will be a master file created, and then all the attachments in a folder, including pictures. Not as simple as drag & drop or copy & paste, but working with a reasonable amount of effort.

It would help to know what version of Evernote, what operating system, what client (desktop or Web), what versions of the apps you're trying to paste into, and what images you're trying to paste. In responding to a similar thread in a different forum, on a Windows 10 laptop running Evernote desktop app v. 10.49, I found that I could right-click a JPG image, copy, then go to a word processing app (TextMaker), click paste, and it worked. I haven't tried pasting into MS Office apps, because I don't have registered versions of them so everything is read only. Some other types of images seemed more problematic, though.

I can copy and paste images and text separately but not together. This is clearly not ideal if you have a long document with interspersed text and images. It is at least an improvement from having to download images in order to do anything with them.

ok my mistake, however it doesn't work the opposite way round as well. Open up word, select all, copy and then paste into evernote - desktop or web client, makes no difference. All text is there (including formatting) but all pictures simply say attachment and an exclamation error mark.

Hi, yes, I would just like to add my request to fix the electron version for Evernote on Windows, and to make it easier for me to select all of the notes and images and everything in the note and then paste it into a word document or other online form easily. it is completely ridiculous that the new Evernote for Windows application does not allow this and it completely ruins my use of Evernote. Please add this to the Windows electron version thank you. ff782bc1db

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