Exploratory Data Analysis

Relation between Revenue and Products Sold

The relationship between average price and distance to the shops is similar across the shops 1 and 2. Additionally, the average prices in shops 3, 4 and 5 are smaller than in the first two shops.

Approximate Customer Base Count across Shops

The highest approximate customer base for a shop determines its popularity in terms of a customer's product purchase from the shop. The ordering of the shops is here as Shop 1, 2, 3, 5, 4.

Relation between Distances to the Shops and Average Prices

The relationship between average price and distance to the shops is similar across the shops 1 and 2. Additionally, the average prices in shops 3, 4 and 5 are smaller than in the first two shops.

Relation between Average of Distance and Price

The averaged plot indicates generalized tendency of the relationship between prices and distances.

Trends in Average price

Trends determine the relationship between shop and their average price relative to one another excluding a factor of distance. The average price in shops 3, 4 and 5 are notably smaller than in 1 and 2.

Relation between Unique Products Purchased and Average Products Purchased

The customers are classified into different shops based on the data. It can be inferred that, given the data it is possible to predict which shop the customer would select.

Revenue Generated by each Shop

The revenue generated by each shop can be calculated and used to generate a list of top N customers based on their contribution.