Customer feedback is information provided by customers about their experience with a product or service. Its purpose is to reveal their level of satisfaction and help product, customer success, and marketing teams understand where there is room for improvement. Companies can collect customer feedback proactively by polling and surveying customers, interviewing them, or by asking for reviews. Teams can also passively collect feedback by providing users a place in the product where they can share comments, complaints, or compliments.

Prefer to watch a video instead? Check out this webinar on turning customer conversations into actionable product insights, featuring Mathew Patterson of Help Scout, Jake Bartlett of Atlassian, and Mary Jantsch of Tuff.

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Within the good and the bad, you can find gems that make it easier to adjust and adapt the customer experience over time. In short, feedback is the way to keep your community at the heart of everything you do.

Developing a useful customer survey may be more challenging than you think. There are a ton of questions you could ask customers. The good news: you can choose between short slider surveys (which help you target specific issues) that pop up on your site or longer, traditional surveys.

When customers sign up for more information about your services, for example, you can send out an auto-responder email asking a single question. Inquire into the issues that customers are struggling with most, what features they would love to see, or just ask why they signed up!

You can also use a help desk to transform every email into an opportunity to tune into customer feedback with happiness ratings. When your customers rate a reply from Help Scout, they can also add extra comments:

When our team prepared to launch major improvements to our Beacon product, they opened Beacon 2.0 to a small number of beta participants based on their current implementation of Beacon 1.0. We transformed their feedback into product adjustments that improved the product before we rolled it out to everyone.

Get more specific as you go. Begin the conversation with wider impressions and get more detailed in your questions as the dialogue evolves. Every piece of feedback they give you is an opportunity for another more specific follow-up.

Customers can transform every aspect of your company for the better if you listen to their feedback. Think about your most pressing goals and start with one clear, simple method for collecting customer feedback before expanding out to more complex tactics like usability testing and analytics.

All customer feedback is valuable. The type of feedback you collect, however, may vary based on what you're wanting to learn from your customers. Here are six types of customer feedback you may want to ask for.

Customer satisfaction feedback examines how satisfied your customers are with your products, services, and other interactions with your brand. This type of feedback looks at both functional and emotional metrics, e.g. answers to questions like "How did you use...?" and "How did you feel about...?"

Sales feedback allows customers to share how they felt about their experience with your sales team and throughout your sales process. This type of feedback is critical to helping your sales reps, training, and leadership improve and better connect with your leads and prospects.

Customer service or support feedback is similar to sales feedback, but it instead examines a customer's experience with a service or support rep. It's critical to improving your customer service and support experience and can also provide unique feedback for your product teams regarding design, functionality, and use cases.

Customer preference feedback simply tells you what products or services (either yours or your competitors') that your customer prefers. This information is helpful in understanding how to better position your products and better target your customers.

You may not consider demographic information (such as geographical location) as feedback, but this data can be important for improving your sales and customer service as well as how you position and advertise your products. Demographic information may include location, gender, education level, marital status, and more.

It's important to ensure you're meeting your customers where they are. After all, you're not going to get a lot of informative feedback if you're running your surveys on social media unless your customers are heavy social media users. If you don't know already, do some research to determine which platforms your audience use the most, and use that data to inform your customer feedback strategy.

Next, act on customer feedback with a sense of urgency. Try to address the low-hanging fruit (e.g., broken links on your website or outdated knowledge based articles) as quickly as possible. And where you can, be clear about timing for any of the big adjustments (e.g., product improvements or service additions) you're planning to make.

To identify overall trends in customer satisfaction, we first have to get a benchmark on how happy (or unhappy) our customers are today. Then we can ask the same question at set intervals to understand how our customer satisfaction changes over time. This will help us identify trends and solve new customer issues.

Outside of gathering data from NPS and CSAT surveys, you can also listen to what your customers are really thinking about you by using tools like Google Alerts or Mention. They help you identify social and forum mentions of your brand on websites like Facebook, Twitter, Quora, Yelp, TripAdvisor, and other third-party review sites.

Aside from improving the customer experience, it also gives Customer Success leaders insight into what team members are the highest performing. You can then reverse engineer qualities of top-performing CSMs to improve training and hire other top-performers.

It helps you narrow in on specific issues your customers are experiencing. However, it can also feel like paradox of choice since you can ask ANY question. Here are a few example questions that may be helpful to ask:

Regardless of what questions you ask, in-app surveys often help support other commons surveys like NPS. For example, Steve Palmer, Customer Success & Growth at Knack, likes to combine a quantitative score from something like NPS with qualitative feedback, too:

An easier way is leveraging a customer feedback tool that helps you categorize the feedback by assigning smart tags and bucketing everything into categories automatically. HubSpot offers customer feedback tool to help with exactly this.

Another consideration is who are the people filling out these surveys in the first place. Yes, we should always share customer feedback with the right teams, but sometimes the decision-maker isn't who ends up being surveyed. We asked Matt Hogan, Head of Customer Success at Intricately, to weigh in on this topic:

Every company needs a way to gain knowledge about what their users and customers think about their products and offer. The best tool to listen to the users and customers is the product feedback survey. Online research will help You create exactly this kind of products which your potential customers need and want.

Customers are, more often than not, willing to talk about your business. When they do talk, the information they share is called customer feedback, and it can help you improve all aspects of your business.

HubSpot Service Hub includes Service Analytics, which helps you uncover key insights into your service teams. You can easily view customer satisfaction scores (CSAT) to learn exactly how your customers feel so you can continue offering the support they want.

Your business likely conducted extensive market research and buyer persona research to understand your target audience and how they relate to your business. While you probably gathered valuable insight, nothing is more valuable than the insight that comes directly from your customers, which is what customer feedback is.

The support you offer customers directly impacts their success with your products or services. Customer feedback helps you ensure that your support teams can help customers succeed as it can provide specific insight into rep performance.

For example, customers who consistently mention a pain point in your onboarding process telling you that you might need to give additional clarification and update your process to ensure it runs smoothly.

Customer feedback can help you identify dissatisfied customers to begin a dialogue with and open the opportunity to make it right and change the course of your relationship. Their feedback about their situation also helps you learn their pain points and identify possible areas for improvement in your operations.

Opening a dialogue with these customers and using their feedback to make changes helps you increase customer loyalty, as 83%of customers agree that they feel more loyal to brands that respond to and resolve their complaints.

Enacting a Voice of the Customer (VoC) program is one way to ensure a streamlined process for managing customer feedback. It serves as the primary hub of all customer feedback about a business and contributes to the feedback loop. Feedback can come from sources like:

Customer feedback is important because it informs a business about what people experience and expect when interacting with the organization. The company can then use that information to make better, customer-centric decisions.

NPS surveys help businesses gauge customer loyalty and satisfaction by asking buyers how likely they are to recommend the company to others. With NPS survey responses, you can bucket your customers into three categories:

A customer focus group is an in-person meetup with customers to discuss their wants, needs, and perceptions. Focus groups can help businesses navigate a range of issues, such as brand messaging, product solutions, and strategic decisions.

Implementing community software on your site allows for a hands-on approach in moderating conversations. Rather than being relegated to just another user on a third-party site, you can interact with customers while passively collecting valuable data. 2351a5e196

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