César Alberto Collazos Ordóñez

Doctor of Science Mention in Computing, University of Chile, January 2004. Postdoctoral stays in the CARL Group (Collaborative Applications Research Laboratory) of the University of Chile (2004) and in the CHICO Group (Computer Human Interaction and Collaboration) of the Universidad Castilla- La Mancha, Spain (2005). Systems and Computing Engineer, Universidad de los Andes, September 1993.

President of the Colombian Computer Society. IDIS Group Coordinator (Research and Development in Software Engineering), Universidad del Cauca.


Name: César Alberto Collazos Ordóñez

Origin: Popayán – Colombia

Address: Depto. de Sistemas, Facultad de Ingeniería Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones, Universidad del Cauca

Sector Tulcan, Popayán, Colombia

Phone: +57-282-09800 Ext. 2133

Fax: +57-282-09810

E_mail: ccollazo@unicauca.edu.co