curl was first released in 1996.[9] It was originally named httpget and then became urlget before adopting the current name of curl[10][11] The original author and lead developer is the Swedish developer Daniel Stenberg, who created curl because he wanted to automate the fetching of currency exchange rates for IRC users.[2]

The libcurl library is portable. It builds and works identically on many platforms, including AIX, AmigaOS, Android,[citation needed] BeOS, BlackBerry Tablet OS and BlackBerry 10,[15] OpenVMS, Darwin, DOS, FreeBSD, HP-UX, HURD, iOS, IRIX, Linux, macOS, NetBSD, NetWare, OpenBSD, OS/2, QNX Neutrino, RISC OS, Solaris, Symbian, Tru64, Ultrix, UnixWare, and Microsoft Windows.[16]

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The libcurl library supports GnuTLS, mbed TLS, NSS, gskit on IBM i, SChannel on Windows, Secure Transport on macOS and iOS, SSL/TLS through OpenSSL, BoringSSL, libreSSL, AmiSSL, wolfSSL, BearSSL and rustls.[18]

curl will return an error message if the remote server is using a self-signed certificate, or if the remote server certificate is not signed by a CA listed in the CA cert file. -k or --insecure option can be used to skip certificate verification. Alternatively, if the remote server is trusted, the remote server CA certificate can be added to the CA certificate store file.

curl defaults to displaying the output it retrieves to the standard output specified on the system (usually the terminal window). So running the command above would, on most systems, display the source-code in the terminal window. The -o flag can be used to store the output in a file instead:

In vector calculus, the curl, also known as rotor, is a vector operator that describes the infinitesimal circulation of a vector field in three-dimensional Euclidean space. The curl at a point in the field is represented by a vector whose length and direction denote the magnitude and axis of the maximum circulation.[1] The curl of a field is formally defined as the circulation density at each point of the field.

A vector field whose curl is zero is called irrotational. The curl is a form of differentiation for vector fields. The corresponding form of the fundamental theorem of calculus is Stokes' theorem, which relates the surface integral of the curl of a vector field to the line integral of the vector field around the boundary curve.

One way to define the curl of a vector field at a point is implicitly through its projections onto various axes passing through the point: if u ^ {\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {u}} } is any unit vector, the projection of the curl of F onto u ^ {\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {u}} } may be defined to be the limiting value of a closed line integral in a plane orthogonal to u ^ {\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {u}} } divided by the area enclosed, as the path of integration is contracted indefinitely around the point.

The above formula means that the projection of the curl of a vector field along a certain axis is the infinitesimal area density of the circulation of the field projected onto a plane perpendicular to that axis. This formula does not a priori define a legitimate vector field, for the individual circulation densities with respect to various axes a priori need not relate to each other in the same way as the components of a vector do; that they do indeed relate to each other in this precise manner must be proven separately.

Another way one can define the curl vector of a function F at a point is explicitly as the limiting value of a vector-valued surface integral around a shell enclosing p divided by the volume enclosed, as the shell is contracted indefinitely around p.

In this formula, the cross product in the integrand measures the tangential component of F at each point on the surface S, together with the orientation of these tangential components with respect to the surface S. Thus, the surface integral measures the overall extent to which F circulates around S, together with the net orientation of this circulation in space. The curl of a vector field at a point is then the infinitesimal volume density of the net vector circulation (i.e., both magnitude and spatial orientation) of the field around the point.

To this definition fits naturally another global formula (similar to the Kelvin-Stokes theorem) which equates the volume integral of the curl of a vector field to the above surface integral taken over the boundary of the volume.

In practice, the two coordinate-free definitions described above are rarely used because in virtually all cases, the curl operator can be applied using some set of curvilinear coordinates, for which simpler representations have been derived.

Suppose the vector field describes the velocity field of a fluid flow (such as a large tank of liquid or gas) and a small ball is located within the fluid or gas (the center of the ball being fixed at a certain point). If the ball has a rough surface, the fluid flowing past it will make it rotate. The rotation axis (oriented according to the right hand rule) points in the direction of the curl of the field at the center of the ball, and the angular speed of the rotation is half the magnitude of the curl at this point.[9]The curl of the vector field at any point is given by the rotation of an infinitesimal area in the xy-plane (for z-axis component of the curl), zx-plane (for y-axis component of the curl) and yz-plane (for x-axis component of the curl vector). This can be seen in the examples below.

The resulting vector field describing the curl would at all points be pointing in the negative z direction. The results of this equation align with what could have been predicted using the right-hand rule using a right-handed coordinate system. Being a uniform vector field, the object described before would have the same rotational intensity regardless of where it was placed.

The curl points in the negative z direction when x is positive and vice versa. In this field, the intensity of rotation would be greater as the object moves away from the plane x = 0.

The vector calculus operations of grad, curl, and div are most easily generalized in the context of differential forms, which involves a number of steps. In short, they correspond to the derivatives of 0-forms, 1-forms, and 2-forms, respectively. The geometric interpretation of curl as rotation corresponds to identifying bivectors (2-vectors) in 3 dimensions with the special orthogonal Lie algebra s o ( 3 ) {\displaystyle {\mathfrak {so}}(3)} of infinitesimal rotations (in coordinates, skew-symmetric 3  3 matrices), while representing rotations by vectors corresponds to identifying 1-vectors (equivalently, 2-vectors) and s o ( 3 ) {\displaystyle {\mathfrak {so}}(3)} , these all being 3-dimensional spaces.

the 1-dimensional fibers correspond to scalar fields, and the 3-dimensional fibers to vector fields, as described below. Modulo suitable identifications, the three nontrivial occurrences of the exterior derivative correspond to grad, curl, and div.

The curl of a 3-dimensional vector field which only depends on 2 coordinates (say x and y) is simply a vertical vector field (in the z direction) whose magnitude is the curl of the 2-dimensional vector field, as in the examples on this page.

In the case where the divergence of a vector field V is zero, a vector field W exists such that V = curl(W).[citation needed] This is why the magnetic field, characterized by zero divergence, can be expressed as the curl of a magnetic vector potential.

While it is possible to use curl from Elixir directly, it seems like what you actually want to do, is to perform a remote HTTP request and read the results.

Instead of manually using curl, I suggest using a HTTP client library such as HTTPoison, which does much of the request/response parsing and error handling for you.

Just a couple of things to consider, and take them with a grain of salt. Your Org hired you to be the expert on systems administration and engineering, so will be up to you to determine the risks and impacts of these things, but using curl as root on all endpoints can be very dangerous.

If you must use curl or have decided to the risks are not significant for you, you can look at tools like Installomator which has some added security features built into it, and has the same functionality as say a curl script. The repo has docs and a link to a presentation on it.

Centralizing package creation and distribution also means it is much easier to audit and troubleshoot. With something like a 10% failure rate (tossing out examples) of a curl script, good luck finding out why n number of clients are just failing. Centralizing it also helps you streamline and troubleshoot when things go wrong. So, there are other benefits than just security, or rather all of it benefits security since auditing is a part of security.

I get that some vendors make horrible installers and workflows and you might be forced into a curl model versus manually doing it by hand. However, if you don't have to do that, or can get around that I would recommend looking into such things. Personally, I use AutoPKG and have been using it for over 2 years now at my current gig. It is one of the best open source tools for macOS out there.

My point is to just make some awareness around this subject. This is also why I never use a curl script unless it is really the only option I have, and even then I would take it through security approvals before deploying it.

This silky, hydrating curl jelly defines, shapes and styles, making coils more manageable. Macadamia, neem and apricot oils moisturize and detangle strands. The result: ultra-shiny, smooth, defined curls. For those who want to hydrate and define their curls and coils. Curl Types: 3-4.

A favorite for applying to wet hair for wash-&-gos, the Curl Gel is a dream for defining your curl pattern, leaving you with bouncy & juicy curls with a medium hold. This curly hair gel is versatile, as you can achieve a slick, natural look when styling dry hair. The creamy, smooth formula of this curly hair gel glides on natural hair effortlessly & gives life to every coil & curly hair type with Aloe Vera, Coconut Oil & Cacay Oil as nourishing ingredients. Add this curl defining gel to your hair care routine for a flexible hold that supports styles that are defined, leaving hair, springy & touchable. e24fc04721

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