This doesn't quite work, saying "unary operator expected". I've tried = or ==, so I'm not getting how to do a test like this. Is it possible that the empty output from which curl is a $null and I have to test for that?

@lilyball The problem is if /nix already exists in the filesystem before running curl | sh, then the install script does not attempt to use sudo and it fails when it tries to do anything with the /nix folder.

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Oh, the acme script is running a series of curl requests to obtain the cert. The first couple curls succeeded but the POST failed. My sample curl was a get for the URL that is failing just to see. It was not a great test as it used a GET where the failing one was a POST with data.

But, I agree with @9peppe the curl 92 failure just should not happen. More likely a network setup issue on your premises. Possibly pfsense. If was fault at Let's Encrypt servers we would be having thousands of complaints this morning

Now that was not a difficult thing to deal with, but the point of our exercise is to eliminate unnecessary third party tools and functions where there are native PowerShell CmdLets available. This can be very hand when we want the functionality of curl in a PowerShell script.

This is where our newly available Invoke-RestMethod comes in. By leveraging this CmdLet we no longer need to launch the cURL utility. We can get the same functionality in PowerShell just like curl.

Yeah so when you call those URLs through curl, you are going to get the JSON back. Look at the curl_exec() PHP function which is used to get the content returned (or false if there is a failure). You can store that content into a variable and use the PHP function json_decode($variable) on it to then have it build an object with it. From there it is just a matter of using the object to get access to its properties etc.

A non-privileged user or program can put code and a config file in a known non-privileged path (under C:/usr/local/) that will make curl automatically run the code (as an OpenSSL "engine") on invocation. If that curl is invoked by a privileged user it can do anything it wants.

This flaw exists in the official curl-for-windows binaries built and hosted by the curl project (all versions up to and including 7.65.1_1). It does not exist in the curl executable shipped by Microsoft, bundled with Windows 10. It possibly exists in other curl builds for Windows too that uses OpenSSL.

This bug sneaked in partly due to insecure default build options in OpenSSL when built cross-compiled and partly due to a misleading commit message in the curl commit that made it possible to disable this feature.

My experiments seem to indicate that the username in the curl statement is ignored. As long as there is a username (does not need to be valid) and the token is valid I get the 404 response. If I make the token invalid, I get the 401 response.

I packaged curl 4.0 and made it available to the world on that Friday. Then at 2,200 lines of code. In the curl 4.8 release that I did a few months later, the THANKS file mentions 7 contributors who had helped out. It took us almost seven years to reach a hundred contributors. Today, that file lists over 2,300 names and we add a few hundred new entries every year. This is not a solo project!

To better provide good Internet transfers to the world, we introduced the library libcurl, shipped for the first time in the summer of 2000 and that then enabled the project to take off at another level. libcurl has over time developed into a de-facto internet transfer API.

curl was adopted in Red Hat Linux in late 1998, became a Debian package in May 1999, shipped in Mac OS X 10.1 in August 2001. Today, it is also shipped by default in Windows 10 and in iOS and Android devices. Not to mention the game consoles, Nintendo Switch, Xbox and Sony PS5.

Amusingly, libcurl is used by the two major mobile OSes but not provided as an API by them, so lots of apps, including many extremely large volume apps bundle their own libcurl build: YouTube, Skype, Instagram, Spotify, Google Photos, Netflix etc. Meaning that most smartphone users today have many separate curl installations in their phones.

The fact that I and wolfSSL offer commercial curl support has only made curl stronger I believe: it lets me spend even more time working on curl and it makes more companies feel safer with going with curl, which in the end makes it better for all of us.

I am attempting to deploy Slack to our macOS Ventura devices via a curl script. When a user launches the app for the first time, they get a pop-up that says '"Slack" is damaged and can't be opened. you should move it to the Trash. '

This is only occurring in Ventura. If I download the software manually through the same URL I am calling in the curl script and install it normally, it works fine. Is there something new I have to do to get past the gatekeeper in macOS Ventura? This worked in Monterey.

From the requests, we can clearly see that Elasticsearch replies when accessed over http. That means that TLS is not enabled. This means that either we didn't do the auto-configuration on startup or the user has disabled HTTPS after installation. The former would explain why curl fails too, it looks as if /etc/elasticsearch/config/certs/http_ca.crt doesn't exist.

It is instructing you to copy or move the http_ca.crt to this path /etc/elasticsearch/config/certs/ which is typical location for it ... or you can leave it wherever you generated and then put the path in the curl to whereever it is ... it does not automatically move to that path.

Well, because it was midnight and I needed a break so I definitely didn't see that so apologies for that. I had definitely assumed that the curl command in the instructions would just point to where the .crt file was dropped and the lazy copy/paste approach would just work.

As a potentially related aside, when trying to enroll and start the elastic agent on another host to check in with the fleet server, I'm currently stuck in a loop of "Remote server is not ready to accept connections, will retry in a moment" loop upon running the

sudo ./elastic-agent install --url= :443 --enrollment-token=NHUyX1dIOEJXZ0RsS3RDMDgtRlg6SEZGRTBEd2lSNjZRWWxGQl9HU05VQQ==

command. running a curl on the IP prints "Connection refused," and decoding that token doesn't seem to provide anything useful.

A vulnerability in input validation exists in curl during communication using the TELNET protocol may allow an attacker to pass on maliciously crafted user name and telnet options during server negotiation. The lack of proper input scrubbing allows an attacker to send content or perform option negotiation without the application's intent. This vulnerability could be exploited if an application allows user input, thereby enabling attackers to execute arbitrary code on the system.

An authentication bypass vulnerability exists in libcurl in the FTP connection reuse feature that can result in wrong credentials being used during subsequent transfers. Previously created connections are kept in a connection pool for reuse if they match the current setup. However, certain FTP settings such as CURLOPT_FTP_ACCOUNT, CURLOPT_FTP_ALTERNATIVE_TO_USER, CURLOPT_FTP_SSL_CCC, and CURLOPT_USE_SSL were not included in the configuration match checks, causing them to match too easily. This could lead to libcurl using the wrong credentials when performing a transfer, potentially allowing unauthorized access to sensitive information.

An authentication bypass vulnerability exists in libcurl in the connection reuse feature which can reuse previously established connections with incorrect user permissions due to a failure to check for changes in the CURLOPT_GSSAPI_DELEGATION option. This vulnerability affects krb5/kerberos/negotiate/GSSAPI transfers and could potentially result in unauthorized access to sensitive information. The safest option is to not reuse connections if the CURLOPT_GSSAPI_DELEGATION option has been changed.

An authentication bypass vulnerability exists in libcurl where it reuses a previously established SSH connection despite the fact that an SSH option was modified, which should have prevented reuse. libcurl maintains a pool of previously used connections to reuse them for subsequent transfers if the configurations match. However, two SSH settings were omitted from the configuration check, allowing them to match easily, potentially leading to the reuse of an inappropriate connection.


Hello, my console returns an error `curl/curl.h that states no such file or directory exists. Do I need to download the libraries as I do not have permission to access root (obv)? This is a school final project so I want to ensure I am do this correctly.

It's a useful tool for the average sysadmin, whether you use it as a quick way to download a file you need from the Internet, or to script automated updates. Curl is also an important tool for testing remote APIs. If a service you rely on or provide is unresponsive, you can use the curl command to test it.

You can download a file with curl by providing a link to a specific URL. Whatever exists at the URL you provide is, by default, downloaded and printed in your terminal. HTML is relatively verbose, so that's often a lot of text.

A query to an API endpoint is technically as simple as the most basic curl command. You point curl at the API gateway URL, and ideally, get the default response from the API. Not all APIs provide a response, but here's a good example:

You can also send commands with curl. For example, for an API behind a login screen, you can use the --form option to pass your credentials before accessing the data you need. This example isn't advisable, because your password would appear in your Bash history. However, you can configure your shell history to ignore commands preceded by a space to safeguard against this (as long as you do indeed precede the command with a blank space). e24fc04721

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