Hi! I'm Camie :)

Some people were born with a silver spoon in their mouth - I was born with a wooden one in my hand.

Growing up, I was surrounded by amazing cooks. I had the privilege of living with my mother and maternal grandmother and near my paternal grandmother - all are from Belize. We didn't have much, but we always had good food.

I've spent countless hours in the kitchen with the women in my family baking. We bake for holidays, for Sunday dinner or, many times, simply for fun. Through these moments, I've learned valuable lessons in creativity, teamwork, communication, integrity, economics, chemistry, kindness, patience, trial and error and taking pride in my work.

Baked goods quickly turned into my favorite "go-to" gifts for holidays, thank you's or just because. I took a particular interest in cupcakes because, honestly, they're so fun to make. It always brings me joy to see people enjoy them!

Many people have encouraged me to start a baking business, but I never sat down to make it happen. In September 2020, a friend brought over some stuffed cupcakes bought from a private baker...and let's just say mine are much better. It was then that I finally decided that it was my time. So here we are!

I chose to base my business on the South Side of Chicago and offer affordable prices so that fine baked goods are accessible to the most disadvantaged neighborhoods of my city. While there are amazing bakeries scattered throughout the South Side, there are no businesses that bake cupcakes exclusively, and I hope to be a part of that change.

I stand and bake on the shoulders of my ancestors. In 2012, my maternal grandmother was deported and in 2018, my paternal grandmother passed away. I miss them both dearly, and each time I bake, I feel a little closer to them both. They are the love, el amor, that each sweet treat is made with.

¡Buen provecho!