CULTURALLY affirming precalculus 

teach math centering people and place

A project born in Tucson, Arizona, supported in part by DOE Project Outreach FAMILIA and NSF REEDS

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In 2021 we began writing precalculus content to create mathematics grounded in place and identities absent from traditional curricula.  The result is a curriculum that restores cultural and experiential balance to the contexts used to teach and learn precaculus, looking to validate all students and enhance our relatability to each other.

overview of mathematics and approach 

core mathematics

understand how two quantities change together  |  explore graphs, data, words, symbols describing models of change  |  develop mathematical language to describe change  | translate mathematical language into everyday terms, meaningfully


explore change models grounded in Tucson and the Southwest as place and identity |  affirm who students are  | discover strengths, beauty, legacies, identities, experiences tied to place, nature, and peoples | make sense of mathematics rather than memorize it


water changes in Quitobaquito Springs| efficiency of the Navajo code talkers | sonoran saguaros |  the sustainable advantages of adobe builidings | the boom of Latin music popularity | youth success, family connectedness, and communities | Hispanic heritage and identity, and more...

explore the curriculum and join our professional development to implement to suit your place and resources

curriculum design & content

Guada Lozano

Jocelyn Ríos

Anthony Kling

Brian Toner

Jorge Ledesma

lesson design

Emina Alibegovic

Guada Lozano

Jocelyn Ríos

Aaron Ekstrom

Tugce Koc

research & scholarship

Guada Lozano

Nick Witt

Abby Rocha

partners & collaborators

HSI Initiatives, UArizona

Pima Community  College

CRCDI, UArizona

Project CREAR, UArizona