Resources for Teaching about Cuba

Latin American Resource Center

Americas Award Resources on Cuba: Books from the Americas book award on Cuba.

LARC Lending Library Guides for Cuba: Films, curricula, and other resources from LARC about Cuba.

Teaching Cuba: Shifting Perspectives and the Global Landscape: Curricula from LARC's 2015/2016 Summer Institute in Cuba.

Race, Power, and Identity in Cuba: Past and Present Primary Source Activities: Activity-based curriculum utilizing primary sources to explore how structural racism shaped experiences and identities of Afro-Cuban communities. This curriculum was inspired by Tulane University’s Summer 2017 Cuban Culture & Society K-12 Teacher Institute and created by the curriculum specialists at Primary Source.

Brigadistas: Stories from Cuba's Literary Campaign: Podcast from LARC on the Cuban Literacy Campaign created by 2016 program participants.

Lesson Plans and Teaching Guides on Cuba

Primary Source guide to Cuba: Resources from Primary Source on teaching Cuba.

Cuban Geography: A kids guide to Cuba from National Geographic.

Cuban Missile Crisis Curricula: The Harvard Kennedy School's guide to teaching about the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Cuban Missile Crisis: The NEH curriculum on teaching about the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Cuban Missile Crisis: National Geographic's lesson on the events.

Cuba Today: A resource from the NYT on teaching about current events and Cuba.

Race in Cuba: A collaborative lesson from NYU and PBS which explores issues of race in revolutionary Cuba.

US/Cuba Relations: University of California Irvine guide to teaching about US/Cuba relations between 1959-1962.

US/Cuba Relations: A New Chapter: A guide from Choices on changing US/Cuba relations.

Baseball Diplomacy: Lesson from the US State Department which includes a section on baseball, Cuba, and the US.

US Diplomacy: Lesson from the US State Department with a section on the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Remember the Maine: Media and Diplomacy: from the US State Department.

Online Resources on Cuba

Cuban Music: from the Smithsonian folkways collection.

Caribbean Music: From the Smithsonian folkways collection.

Google Arts and Culture - Cuba: Discover artworks, archives and stories from Cuba. Users are able to take virtual tours of museums and historic sites, and access collections that showcase Cuban art, influential figures, and defining moments in Cuban history.

Music Recommendations

Obsesión Hip Hop Recommendations:

Cuba USA

- Ruta 11 - Mos Def

- Poeta Lirico - Erykah Badu

- La Reyna y La Real - Jill Scott

- Anónimo Consejo - The Roots

- Las Krudas - Nomadic Massive

- Danay Suáves - Lou Piensa

- Orishas - Kamau

- Obsesión - Common